What is Budecort Inhaler Used for? - Genericcures - Printable Version

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What is Budecort Inhaler Used for? - Genericcures - Shirleysmith - 06-06-2024

Budecort Inhaler is used to keep asthma symptoms under control and to avoid new asthma attacks. It helps regulate everyday symptoms including shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest discomfort while also preventing exacerbations. The inhaler includes budesonide, a steroid medication that reduces inflammation and swelling in the airways, making breathing easier. It is used to treat asthma in adults and children aged one to eight years who need more than one bronchodilator.
Budecort Inhaler 200 is also used to treat viral respiratory illnesses, such as croup, in newborns and children. It is delivered by a nebulizer, which produces a mist of drug that may readily enter the lungs. The inhaler should be used as advised by your doctor and not ingested. Even if symptoms improve, it is critical to stick to the specified regimen and not discontinue the medication without first visiting a doctor. To avoid oral fungal infections, it is also advised that you rinse your mouth with water after inhaling.