Help me settle student debt to obtain my degree - Printable Version

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Help me settle student debt to obtain my degree - Will12 - 05-11-2024

Hey everyone, I hope you guys are good.

I recently graduated—an achievement that should bring joy, but unfortunately, it’s bittersweet. I still have outstanding fees to pay before receiving my official degree/certificate from the university. This has prevented me from securing a job, as potential employers require official documents for verification.
I'm currently unemployed and have no family support, leaving me in a difficult situation. I'm doing my best to stay optimistic, but I desperately need your help to move forward. I'm eager to build a better life for myself, and your support would mean the world to me. 
I need about $1200 to settle my debt and finally receive my official certificate/document.

If you're able to assist, please consider making a donation to my PayPal account at . Any contribution, big or small, will make a significant impact on my journey.

Thank you for your kindness and consideration. Take care. ✨
