Urgent Help with my Unversity Tuition Fee - Printable Version

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Urgent Help with my Unversity Tuition Fee - TussaThai - 12-25-2023

Please scroll down and take a look at my story of my URGENT help and need. This story is definitely NOT a scam. I will put proofs down below in my GoGetFunding fundraiser page.

Hello. My name is Supakorn Narasapa. I'm a 19-year-old university student in computer science in Thailand. I currently need an urgent help with my tuition fees.

I grew up with an uncommon family. My mom is a senior Thai massage therapist and mentor, with more than 30 years in experience. My father is a retired engineer who's currently working on ritual stuffs, and graduated from abroad. Both of them are getting quite old, more than 60s.

My father actually had an affair with my mother, while he had, and still have, his own family with a wife and children. The relationship between my parents were heavily strained, and finally no more contact between them. He's currently living with his old family in another province, while I currently live with my mother alone. At least he promised to take care of my stuffs and expenses, including tuition fees, by transferring some of his money to my bank account.

Then, the pandemic struck. Both of my parents' jobs were heavily affected to the point that there were no income at all in some months. Although my high school's tuition fees were significantly decreased, me and my mom still had to fight with our own living expenses, with led to my mom having no chance but to take loans and borrows from other people, which actually increased debts and more expenses to clear in the future.

I kept studying hard, taking chances during online classes while maintaining my relationships with my friends. I was able to graduate from high school with good grades, and finally got into my dream's university and faculty by portfolio. It's a computer science branch of a public university. I enrolled for that not only because I love computer, but I saw that in the future technology will advance even more, and the world needs more quality in workforce. I saw that as the opportunity to increase income stability for myself and my mom.

Of course, me and mom were quite happy about the university acceptation, but it was just a short-lived happiness. I quickly tried to find a way, and I began doing online freelance works, earning a bit of valuable income to help with expenses and clear debts. I didn't think about saving for my future fees at that time because I applied for national student loan program. I also considered taking scholarships, but I decided not to, because I kept thinking that there were other people that deserved more than me.

At one point, my father told me that he couldn't support my educational fees anymore, but could still give me some for my own living expenses. I could see that one coming. He was contracted with Covid-19 before, and his health had been worse from that. He can't move much and has to live with pocket oxygen nowadays. My grandfather passed away a year ago, and other relatives either have their own stuffs to do, or reluctant to help us, which me and mom understood and don't want to reach out and ask them for money.

But then, one day, I saw a notification on my phone. My student loan wasn't approved because of circumstances that they didn't tell me, and at that time it was already way past the last day to submit for loan of the first semester, and I couldn't do anything else but to wait for another year to resubmit again. There were also other scholarships available to apply, but the results will be announced much later than the last payment date of the second semester.

That news shattered me and my mom. I could see my reality upside down from what I dreamt. We're already in a financial struggle. But my mom told me that I didn't have to worry about it, and she decided to head for a job with her relatives faraway, leaving me alone taking care of the house that still has a mortgage with the bank. I was able to defer the payment so that I could finish my first semester. I worked as a freelancer much less that before because I had to focus on my study.

But as I kept studying, my mind kept thinking about those money. I put more stress onto me, and I kept telling my friends and other people that, "I'm fine, there isn't any problem with me." My mother also told me that same kind of sentence whenever we have phone calls. But we both know, that the closer the payment due comes, the more stress we both gonna get, not to mention about our other expenses and debts. I know that my mom worked pretty much harder, and she's already after 60.

After the last final exam, I resumed trying to find freelance jobs, looking for income, and other ways to get a lot of money for my own tuition fee as soon as possible. I blamed myself for not taking chances, especially the previous available scholarships.

I don't want to waste my time, and losing my opportunity and dream , by dropping out or taking a time away from the university. So I started a fundraising campaign for my own educational fee. I had been thinking many times whether I should start a campaign or not.

Since I have to study for at least four years, or eight semesters, I set a target as a total amount for my whole study. I couldn't apply for another semester's deferment as I still have an unpaid payment. I wish I'd get $1000 before January 12, 2024, otherwise I would like to take a time away or drop out.

I'm not forcing anyone to donate me. I don't mind you sharing my stories to others. Every amount of money is highly appreciated. Your support will make a huge difference in not only my academical development, but in my life, and my mom's altogether.

Here is the link to my fundraising campaign page, where proofs are included, and you can make donation via that page.

Thank you so much