Medical Bills due to Car Crash Requesting Urgent Assistance $10 000 - Printable Version

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Medical Bills due to Car Crash Requesting Urgent Assistance $10 000 - phnixrising101 - 09-20-2023

When tragedy struck an Incredibly Kind, Caring and Compassionate young man.

On Friday the 15th of September 2023 a Dear friend Ali and his uncle were severely injured in a collision. Thankfully both Ali and his uncle survived the accident, they both however sustained neck and spinal injuries and still remain hospitalised for the time being whilst receiving medical care. Unfortunately, their vehicle and their stock were a total write-off and an uninsured loss.

This young man who is a refugee, runs a small business in my community to support his young family, parents and siblings back home. Ali is now faced with major financial setbacks. The Medical bills and the loss of their vehicle which they depended on to run their business is an unfortunate and unforeseen burden to carry.
These funds will be sufficient to pay for the medical bills incurred and to replace the vehicle so that they can continue providing for themselves and their families.

I knocked on Heaven’s door and God sent me an Angel in my darkest hour!

As the global lockdowns ensued, I found myself without an income and became totally dependant on my husband. As the lockdowns progressed my husband turned to alcohol and prescription drugs. I was totally unprepared for what would follow in the months to come. I watched as a man I loved sank into a darkness, fits of rage, hatred and pure malevolence that I had not imagined another human being was capable of. I was unable to process this behaviour. The more kindness and compassion I showed towards my husband, the crueller he became. Being subjected to someone you love constantly verbalising their hatred and animosity towards another race of people and his desire to inflict unspeakable acts, broke me. My spirit was crushed and I reached a point of total despair, I was unable to see a way out as I cried to God for help and saw no solution in sight.

I shutdown completely and become a shadow of myself. I gave up on God, humanity and myself. The situation reached boiling point when my husband resorted to inflicting harm on the animals. I had had enough and insisted that my husband seek professional help and leave. What transpired was a turn of events I was unprepared for. The destruction and sabotage that was inflicted on me was so unbearable that I questioned my own sanity. In a fit of rage my husband destroyed all that I owned, cut me off financially and left me destitute with animals to feed and no means to do this. Penniless and with nowhere to go as friends did not see nor experience this behaviour as I did, they faded into the background. I found myself alone, in total isolation, a broken phone with no access to the outside world, nothing left to live for. I was numb from what had transpired.

I had decided that I would end my life. I would have to get someone to take the cats and dogs first as I was not prepared to leave them to starve. I needed to get the phone repaired to contact someone to remove the animals.

I took the phone to shop to ask if it could be repaired. This young man informed me that it was not worth repairing, he took the Simcard out and placed it in another phone. He gave me a phone to use, asked me for my number and asked if he could call me later. Not knowing what to make of this, I left the shop to call someone to arrange for the animals to be removed. I was unable to reach anyone, I sat at a table and just stared into nothingness for hours.

That evening I received a call from Ali, asking me if he could come and see me. I gave him directions and 30 mins later he arrived.
This young man had brought me a meal that he prepared, sat down with me and asked me how he could assist me.

I was in a state of shock. I sat across from a total stranger and all I could do was breakdown and cry. I cried for me, I cried for the whole world, I just cried until there were no more tears left to cry. This young man just remained silent, sitting there across from me and all he said to me was, “Don’t worry, Allah will take care of everything!”
That night an incredible unexplainable peace came upon me that I was unable to even understand. My whole life I had felt so disconnected from everything, broken and disfigured spending my life trying to fix broken people. I had no purpose and I was searching for answers in an abyss.

This simple act of kindness from a stranger transformed my life in an instant. My life just fell into perspective, I felt connected to something I could not explain in words. My past of being violated physically, sexually and emotionally and the recent events of my experience with my husband just dissolved into nothingness and were no longer shadows haunting me. I forgave myself; I forgave my husband and everyone that needed forgiving.

I got up and fetched the firearm in the safe and gave it to him and said I don’t need this anymore.

Ali insisted that I call him if I needed anything. He has been assisting me to sell what was left in the house and help me in my preparayions for my relocation to Thailand where I can rebuild my life, volunteer, teach English in orphanages and make a difference in the world by caring. This is a dream I will realise within the following weeks after assisting Ali and his uncle to get back on their feet again after being discharged from hospital.

Ali has checked up on me daily and continuously encourages me to have faith. This young man’s kindness allowed me to set myself free, he saved my life. I am eternally grateful and am so moved by this act of kindness that I have no alternative but to share my experience and show my gratitude by caring and making it possible for them to recover from this ordeal.

This simple act of kindness has restored my faith in humanity, in myself and in God and miracles. I pray for Ali and his uncle for a full recovery, for their families that are far away and are unable to be here to assist them in their hour of need. I pray for all of us as a Global community to continually care about one another. I pray we all be love and kindness and realise that a simple act of kindness has the ability to save a life. All life is precious.

Thank you for being such Kind, Caring, Compassionate individuals who take the time to support and assist people in their hour of need.

God Bless us all.

RE: Medical Bills due to Car Crash Requesting Urgent Assistance $10 000 - setata - 09-19-2024

I’m sorry to hear about your ordeals and we’re going to help you so I’d like to know your location text me on +12344326310