Leaving with 1 year old while abuser is in jail - Printable Version

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Leaving with 1 year old while abuser is in jail - Sammi1213 - 08-17-2023

In 2021 I was going through I was suicidal and a severe alcoholic drinking so heavily and not eating to the point it was causing nerve damage in my legs. I decided to go to rehab knowing if I didn't, he would take my kids, permanently. After I moved back to my hometown. I was sober but my mental health was still poor and I met a man that for a short time was Prince Charming. I moved in with him and ignored everyone's warnings of how fooled he had me. Everyone said he was going to end up back in prison, he was unstable, aggressive, and a drug addict. I thought he'd changed. I quickly became pregnant and he changed. Instantly.. Like he knew he had me so he could be himself.  I had a job as security guard that I lost bc he would do things like block my car in and start a fight, accidentally take my keys, then he wrecked my car. The brake line went out. He flex sealed a metal clamp on the hole and lucky he was driving when it did the inevitable. We got kicked out of our home and went to an extended stay and he was arrested about a week later. His new charges were dropped, he was there 5 months for non report on his probation. I was 8 months pregnant. The man that I was talking to on the phone for 5 months was nothing more that a façade. He was perfect for about three days. Since then he's gotten us kicked out of three places, has hit me a few times (I have permanent discoloration under one eye now and he has almost knocked one tooth almost completely out), gotten me fired from two jobs, has manipulated everyone against me so I'm alone with our one year old except the couple hours a day he shows up throughout the day and night to see what I'm doing, he has done something to my spark plugs so my car runs just poorly so I won't leave, if I go outside without him but he's there he accuses me of going to to see another man. I have hope, though. Thursday he was arrested, in my car. He's on probation so he will be there a minimum 30 days. I have the perfect chance to leave this situation and change my daughter and my life's and have my sons more (I've been seeing them much less bc I don't want them to see a man treat anyone that way, they're little men that will be great men. I need help.. I haven't been allowed to keep a job but there's staffing agencies that start people next day. I need my car though. It was impounded when he was arrested. They said it was $475 to get it out and it had to have insurance. It didn't have insurance bc I wouldn't drive it until he fixed it. I need it running right, too so I don't ruin it. He's said it could be spark plugs, coil pack, or distributor. It's a 97 but it was running perfect until he left in it one day. It will go, but it backfires and it doesn't like to start going after it stops. Red lights are terrifying bc I don't make it through in time like it doesn't get enough gas stopped or something. My aunt says she will keep my daughter when I work. My goal is to move somewhere safe and away from anyone that knows him so that I can do everything on my terms.  I just need help getting back on my feet before he comes back. Bc he will not change and he will not stop. He says it’s my fault and I do it to myself. I don’t want to live like this we don’t deserve it. Thank you for reading and thank you for any donations.

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