In need of help urgently - Printable Version

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In need of help urgently - Christine102 - 05-25-2023

I’m new to this so I want to thank who ever reads this in advance. My name is Christine and I have 4 children. My 2 younger ones have had ongoing medical issues that have literally drained me both financially and emotionally as I’m working over time just to make sure they eat. Mr biggest problem is since I was forced to choose between my well paying job and my children I have been driving for Uber. Things started off great be because my kids knew  that if they ever needed me to text me 911 and I knew that meant I had to finish what every trip I was on and get to them. My daughter who is 17 has been dealing with pain and swelling in her right leg since she was 12. Then my son who is now 15 had a surgery to remove a non-osyfying fibroma from his leg. It wasn’t cancerous so we got lucky there but they took 90% off his bone right above his ankle over 3 inches and he just hasn’t been the same active kid since. Then when I thought things couldn’t get any worse Covid hit and we all got our shots and he started having problems with his heart. He randomly has trouble breathing and chest pains and turns purple from lack of oxygen while Jess having an episode. Between the hospital and 3 cardiologists I have been to they say he has an unknown abnormal ekg. They won’t say or deny that it’s from the cocos shot but it started 2 days after but I can’t leave him alone and I miss a lot of work. Than as the episodes became less frequent when he started noticing the signs before they came on I was able to work more and things were starting to look up. Than the rental I have with hertz through Uber started giving me issues and I started missing work and swapped the vehicle 3 times and was still charged for days they were in the shop and every month the rent I owed became more and more. I’m currently trying to deal with that as I called them out on Facebook and finally got someone to start looking into it but it doesn’t fix the fact that I’m behind allot and it’s only growing. I can give a pay pal or cash app but honestly I would rather just give the name of the company that collects the rent for the development I live in and any help would mean alot to help keep a roof over my kids heads. So if there is anyone out there with a big heart and the ability to help it would mean the world.