Trying to Help my Dad, who has Neuropathy - Printable Version

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Trying to Help my Dad, who has Neuropathy - RileyGray710 - 11-19-2018

I am trying to help my father, who is 68 and banging nails (barely) for a living but living with Neuropathy. He is an angel and deserves some financial help so I am desperate!

John is banging nails at 68 years old living with Neuropathy, a disease that is damage to nerves - where he has trouble walking, tingling/numbness, can’t sleep because of the pain, loses his balance, affects his joints… and much more. His is NOT caused by Diabetes. And at night he gets so upset as he can’t do things anymore he says… And all because he needs to pay the mortgage. He always says “I’ll figure something out”.

It's heartbreaking.

Why should anyone care? Everyone struggles right? There are worse off people for sure right?

John is different…  And to do something to give back to him as he now struggles daily with the little things we take for granted like balance and pain management. So that maybe it will help is retirement years a little easier knowing some of his medical is paid for. A way to say THANK YOU and that life does reward those that help others when in need.

Let me tell you…
John is different. He has seriously put everyone first in his life and now he struggles with this disease and to pay for his needs. He is in the financial position because he has given everything to everyone else without asking for anything in return. He would give you, a stranger, double of what they have in their pockets. And seriously would give his liver if he could. He actually tried for his brother-in-law…

John is the type when his mother-in-law passed and he was selling their house, a young couple moved in. He gave them a handful of cash on selling day and said you need it more than me - good luck! He is the type who will do work for free to help a friend. He will also spend his Sunday cooking hundreds of meatballs to give out to family, coworkers, and friends. And when he plays the lotto, he always says, if he wins then his friends & family will not have to worry about money.  Over the years he has put a roof over not only their 3 kids heads, their families when in need, but over the years when people needed a place to stay - they called John - aunts, nephews, cousins, grandkids, friends and more.  He took care of his aging parents and in laws, day in and day out, and funded for any additional care they needed.

He hosts holidays to the extreme, even if he had no money in his pocket, just to keep the family together and having holiday experiences like no other. And if you don’t have a place to go, even if you are not family, you go to John’s because NO ONE spends the holidays alone if you know him!  He is the glue of the family and friends.

I know its unorthodox - why him? Why is he different? If you met him, you would get it. And some good people just deserve a break.

Let’s give back to someone who deserves it. Please help. I have set up a GO FUND ME PAGE - any social shout outs or support you can give would be greatly appreciated.