Help a Venezuelan friend! - Printable Version

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Help a Venezuelan friend! - konihan - 11-14-2018

Hello! Good morning, evening o night, depending on the time your reading this. I'm From Venezuela, and as you might hear or watch on the news, internet and any other source, the economic situacion is a literal chaos, with an inflation that is over the 40.000% and recently the IMF predict that for the year of 2019 will be 10.000.000%.

Even with all of that i managed to pull it through this economic chaos with a job i had at a drug store, i say "had" because im now unemployed because the drug store had to close due to all the thing i mentioned above, i live with my mom and grandma who are both retired, so they earn less than the minimun wage(and even if the earned a minimun wage we cant still afford most of the basic food) so i am the main money entry the most in the house. I'm also a law studient at the university, where i have an schollarship wich i got from my excelent academy record, its a private university so it really helps because i got exonored of pay certains things, but in order to this i have to keep my good academy record or else they take the schollarship. 

Im telling you all this to give you context on why im in this situation asking for some help, currenly im on finals so i need to focus on my studies to keep the good graded and mantain my schollarship, so i cant(for now) search for a new job, and even if i would be searching now for a new job, there a almost no places places that are still hiring people due to the increasing inflation and what it means to most of the bussines(pay rent, services, taxes, employees, etc) so most of them are closing or not hiring people so they can survive a little longer. 

So here i am asking for some help from you guys, any little bit counts, take to consideration that 1$ is 281.10BsS(this is the black market price that almost everyone here use, because the official price is way away from the reallity and it will probably keep raising) so with 10$ i can make a little buy in the market and survive for like a week or 2, so any little help you can give me i will apriciet it a lot.

Hopefully, with your help guys i would make it through out this rought months ahead and star to seek for a new job, so thank you very much, sorry for the long post and sorry for ant typo and my bad english, its not my first language! Thanks in advance to those who can help!