Homeless with 3 kids ? - Printable Version

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Homeless with 3 kids ? - mommaof3x3 - 03-25-2018

Hello everyone my name is Shannon & I am a 34 year old mother of three beautiful children ages 9, 4 an almost 2 from NJ. An as of Tuesday March 13th we lost our home due to unforseen circumstances an are currently homeless. We have applied to all kinds of organizations who offer help including but not limited to social services , churches , food pantrys , rental assistance etc an we are currently in the process of being approved for these services all while avidly looking for work. I actually have two job interviews coming up within the next 3 wks. I have no family an dont have many friends an the ones I do have either said they would help an then never came through or just ignored me all together. The churches gave us some food an diapers. an wipes an put us up in a hotel for a few days an we are extremely grateful for that but unfortunately thats about all they can do. All that is left for us to do now is sit an wait for approval for these other programs which should not take much longer hopefully. However that still leaves us with no place to stay in the mean time. I hate admitting this as I have ALWAYS been a independent person an I hate admitting I need help but I cant look at my kids faces anymore without wanting to cry. My heart hurts an I am physically , mentally & emotionally drained an exhausted. I have no choice but to put my pride aside an ask for help. I am looking to raise about 800 or so just enough to get us by with a place to stay an a few necessities just long enough until I can start working. So I beg you if there is anything you can spare an i really mean anything at all then please consider helping us. I understand times are hard for all of us an if you cant do i understand that completely. But if you have anything at all that you can spare even just 5 dollars trust me when I tell you IT WILL HELP . ANY amount at this point will help us in a HUGE way an we will be grateful for any amount of help that we may be blessed to recieve. As I said this is very hard for me to do ... its hard for me to not only admit to needing help but even harder to ask for it so I am not sure what else to say other then...
Please I beg you if there is anything you can spare at all...anything even a dollar from my heart to yours please consider helping my kids an I stay out of the cold please it would mean the world to me an once I am back on my feet I have every intention on paying back every single person who helped us. So please look in to your heart an please consider helping my family an I stay warm an have a actual bed to sleep on pls. Either way I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this an I wish nothing but love happiness an good health to you an yours an may god bless you an your family in any an every way possible. Sending you all lots of love. Thank you and god bless ❤

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