Rent, Daycare ... then Christmas - Printable Version

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Rent, Daycare ... then Christmas - kayandmas - 12-01-2017

Thank you for taking the time to choose our listing. My 3 year old son and I have had a rough year and are doing all we can to get through to 2018 with a smile on our faces. 

We left an abusive relationship this summer and had to start from scratch - although it was completely worth it! We had nothing, not even a home for a couple of months. But things are starting to look up for us. It's still just a constant struggle since it is just the two of us and I have a very limited income. 

Right now it is the first of the month and I am short on the rent payment for our new apartment that I was finally able to get us. I am scared to death we will be back on the streets. This is my first priority. I am not far off, only about $200 so hopefully by Monday an angel has blessed us from somewhere or something.. IDK. I have never really had much luck with things like that. Our other issue is paying for his daycare as my child LOVES to learn. I haven't had it in my heart to take him out even though it is $100-120 a week for "school." The daycare assistance program in my county has been on a freeze for a year.. so one day, hopefully that gets to us also. 

These things are what has to be paid. To keep us going even after the 25th.. but I dread that day when I only have a couple of small Dollar Tree items for him. 

It's always 1 step forward and 3 steps back it seems like you know. Please, if you are out there Santa.. we need you!