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  I am asking for help for my son for Education
Posted by: KustersGreta - 01-16-2016, 09:41 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (19)

My son is a bright 7 year old who has problems with speech and writing, His school is absolutely terrible. They do not care that he has these problems we keep bringing it up to the teacher and she fails to see the problem while every one else around us sees the problem.

We want to get him the help he needs by going to a profession, but it will cost us and right now we do not have the money and our car just broke down, our rent went up. It is been a horrible year so far.

We would really love it if some out of the generiosity of there hear can donate something to us. This is for my son whom I am very worried about him.

I beg someone to please help me. this is my paypal link: I would be very greatful is someone helps me to help my son.


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  I am asking for help for my son for Education
Posted by: KustersGreta - 01-16-2016, 09:39 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

My son is a bright 7 year old who has problems with speech and writing, His school is absolutely terrible. They do not care that he has these problems we keep bringing it up to the teacher and she fails to see the problem while every one else around us sees the problem.

We want to get him the help he needs by going to a profession, but it will cost us and right now we do not have the money and our car just broke down, our rent went up. It is been a horrible year so far.

We would really love it if some out of the generiosity of there hear can donate something to us. This is for my son whom I am very worried about him.

I beg someone to please help me. this is my paypal link: I would be very greatful is someone helps me to help my son.


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  My grand mother about to die, plz help us
Posted by: Shyamms - 01-07-2016, 09:55 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello dear brothers and sisters..

My grand mother in serious condition, need money for her operation, I am helpless please help me, and I have debts also , I have requirement of 5000$. Please donate 1$ each one, thank u , god may bless you.. my PayPal account is

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Posted by: mamamarie60 - 01-02-2016, 01:21 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


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Posted by: omurdock082 - 01-01-2016, 08:05 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

This is NOT a scam, I desperately need your help. If I didn't, I wouldn't be up here posting. I pray that you will open your hearts and hear my plea. I'm a single, homeless mother of three boys-ages 8, 2, and 1. We are currently staying in a hotel with limited resources. I've checked into the possibility of going into a shelter or transitional program within the area and surrounding areas to no avail. It's so bad that DSS is threatening to split my children up. I've been through this before and I don't want to go through it again because I fell on hard times. I'm asking for financial help to either stay in the hotel we're currently in until housing comes through or to pay the first month rent and deposit for a new place to stay. My donation tag is http://www.PayPal.Me/omurdock. This will truly be a blessing for me and three children who wants to see nothing but this family staying together. Thank you and may God bless you.

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  Need a little help desparately!
Posted by: Familyof8 - 01-01-2016, 02:20 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

After just losing my job at Christmas time due to layoffs our family is in a serious financial bind.  This is literally my last effort as I would never resort to asking for money.  Our rent is due on the first and our car is currently in the shop.  All the money we had in savings went to paying for most of our engine to be rebuilt.  If I would have known I would lose my job at this time of year, I wouldn't have spent those funds.  Our kids got close to nothing for Christmas since I pay child support on 3 of them even though I have them most of the time because their mother refuses to work and the court system is horrible. All i'm asking for is the money to help pay my rent this month so we don't lose our home.  I have no other options after this. 

Thank you!

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  Need divorce
Posted by: Wantingbetter - 12-30-2015, 04:22 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


  I am a single mother of two beautiful children. I soley provide for my son and daughter in every way they need. I'm very pof being able to do this. But the financial stresses are becoming harder and harder without their fathers help.  
  If I had his child support, our lives would be much more comfortable.  The problem is I don't have the extra money available now or even in the near future to be able to divorce my hopefully soon to be ex-husband.
  Any money would be so helpful and graciously accepted to better our lives by receiving child support for the raising of my children.

Sincerely thank you

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Posted by: Micmic - 12-22-2015, 02:00 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

December 21, 2015, 7:30 am

Please donate anything money,medicine,advice or any helpful things for my mothers foot. She is diabetic. Her foot is getting bigger. I don't want her to get amputed. We don't have enough money or any credit card for her medicine. Im begging someone to help us not only money but prayers and medicine would really appreciate. I don't know what to do. Our job is not enough . we are struggling now. Please can anyone help me or send me message via email..i dont have paypal or credit card. Hastethemaze@yahoo.com . 
Thank you very very very much

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  I'm no bum, I am just in desperate need.
Posted by: Chris B. - 12-21-2015, 07:06 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)


After exhausting all of my resources and savings, I have finally decided to swallow my pride and ask for the help of anyone willing to show a little compassion. Like so many, I was virtually living paycheck to paycheck for many years; keeping a roof over my head, food on the table, and paying child support for three children from a previous marriage. But all of that came to a crashing end when I lost my job at the end of August. My oldest child's birthday was in the beginning of that month, with my youngest child's birthday towards the end. Had I known I would be out of a job, I may have told them we would be celebrating their special days at a later time.

Since then, I have spent every dime I have on rent and a few home businesses which turned out to be nothing more than scams. All the while, looking for a job and borrowing from my dad, my mom, and every Tom, Dick, and Harry I knew. I manipulated my bank through my overdraft protection, but now I don't even know how I am going to pay that back this time. To make matters worse, I had a court date for non-payment of child support on Dec. 11, 2015, where they found me in contempt of court and I was ordered to start paying $399.00 a month or face 6 months of jail time, starting on the 1st of January. Regardless of my situation, and not even a full 30 days to regroup.

I have nowhere to turn. I have went on interviews, but I guess they always find someone better or more qualified. My whole world has fallen apart at rapid speed. If nothing else, I am only seeking help to pay for child support. I do not understand how the laws make sense to those in power, as throwing me in jail will only make things worse and with no chance of receiving any money for my children at all.

If you are reading this, please show that there are still phenomenal people in the world that are willing to help those in need, when able. Anything you are willing to give will suffice. I have helped people over the years and will forever pay it forward, once I get back on my feet. Please help by going to https://www.paypal.com/home and clicking on the send button at the top of the screen, using my email: christianbouvier@live.com as the recipient. If so, I will be forever grateful for your pure act of kindness.

Thank you in advance,

Chris B.

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  My Last Hope
Posted by: theendoftheroad - 12-20-2015, 11:49 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Hello. I'm not really good at telling this kind of story. I'm usually a pretty happy-go-lucky guy for a very poor man. I have never had much, and I don't need much.  A little over a year ago I had all that I needed in my car, my apartment, a wonderful person to spend the time with, humble furnishings and basic amenities.  When that relationship dissolved I was I'll equipped go cope. In my haste I acquired a couple of roommates. Good guys slightly younger than my own 28 years. The short of the story is that in October they both decided to move in with their new girlfriends. From there I struggled to recover. Unable to make my rent, I came to an agreement with my landlord to move out to avoid being potentially served an eviction. As a business situation I don't feel it unfair, but this was my life.  It brought me to sleeping on a couch at my mom's, which is where I am today.  In all of this, along with a loss of hours in my field due to deacreasing sales, left me crushed under the weight of stress. I'm doing all I can to handle it, including using what little gas I have to look for a second job. But I have now become behind on car payment. I have a lot of debt honestly, but if I can get caught up on my car I can work on everything. Family can't help, friends can't help. I need this car, but at three payments behind of 244 each I'll never be abletoo catch that up. If I can I truly think I can balance my life again. Thank you for your help and time. Any suggestions to spread this or to make this amount of money by Monday are very appreciated. My paypal link is paypal.me/mylasthope

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