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Business Needs Assistance |
Posted by: crymsonenigma - 08-12-2016, 01:52 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
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I am humble enough to know when help is needed for the betterment of others.
I have been a small business owner for the better part of 5 years now, with a lot of hard work my family has been able to experience what it means to follow a dream. With any success, it can be countered with setbacks. Well as of May 29th, 2015 my company has seen its first real season of struggle, this coming after we chose to expand into a new community. We made the decision based on the inconvenient drive our customers were met with to reach our location during bad weather conditions, and expanding could better extend our services into a new location. We built a basic business model around the use of Amazon, Ebay, ect. to carry us until we could expand our reach through the city, as of May 29th Amazon suspended our account due to a claim they granted in our favor, this would not have been a problem but they also held all monies that were tied to the account placing us in a very bad position. With new bills staking up and the money to pay them held up, we took to using the company to leverage some funding. It has helped, but it has not solved the problem. My landlords have been very understanding on the matter, but they too have a business to run as well, so that is what brings me here today. With all of our options exhausted, we have to rely on humbly asking from those that are in a better position than ourselves. With all things leverage is everything, so we are hoping for a hand up instead of a handout. We are looking for 150,000 dollars, so that we can get everything back on track. That will cover back rent, equipment leases, and all for the company to continue to produce quality service to the communities that it has served for the past 5 years. This is the only income that we have in the home, so one could only imagine how rough this can be, but one has to be humble to know that there is still growth to be had.
The name of our company is Game Emporium so that you may search it on google. I will also provide my email, so that any requirements that you have may be voiced as we are at the mercy of those who give. gameemporiummedia@gmail.com
I have also attached a business plan
My telephone number is 219-873-6725
Thank you for your time and patience.
God Bless
Need help ! |
Posted by: grandabundance - 08-11-2016, 10:03 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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- Hi I'm not sure if this is legit but here goes as desperate times call for desperate measures.My husband has been out of work for a while now and all attempts to secure a job have lead to dead ends with more and more people being retrenched it has really been tough.We have a twin that is not yet a year old and the cost of taking care of them on average for the week is 800.00 our currency that is for formula,wipes ,cereal,baby wash diapers etc ( and that's not with clothes ) not to mention that we have bills that need to be paid and our other expenses but we are only asking for assistance with the kids for a month ortwo until we can get back on our feet again.Any assistance will be greatly appreciated !
Please help me keep my home! |
Posted by: ewash08 - 08-11-2016, 07:40 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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I am in need of assistance to keep my home from going into foreclosure. I am a single mother of 3 daughters and a disabled vet. I have worked hard to provide stability for my family and i have fell on hard times. Any assistance you can provide would be appreciated. I do not want us to be homeless.
College Tuition |
Posted by: TaylorReignn - 08-11-2016, 03:41 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
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My name is Taylor, I'm 20 years old & I'm currently in college & I work. This semester I'm struggling to pay my tuition & fees. I am very responsible, but because I recently broke my foot I've been on disability unable to work. My school fees that are left total $3,000.28. Every single penny is appreciated & as soon as I'm able to work I don't mind paying it forward at all.
My paypal email is taylorreignn@gmail.com.. Please leave your info so that I may send you a thank you card or some token of my appreciation.
Posted by: pink1234 - 08-09-2016, 06:28 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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I'm not usually one to beg for help but I feel like I have no choice now. I am a graduate student and was lucky to land a job straightaway in the Science industry, however 4 months ago I was made redundant with no payout as I had not been there long enough to receive any. I found a part time job in a supermarket to help meet monthly payments. Unfortunately, 2 months ago I had an accident that has hindered me from working at all. So these past 2 months, I have been using my overdraft and now slowly bills are creeping up on me. If this carries on I can't afford to live in a house and will be made homeless. I can't get any help from the government as I don't qualify for a job seekers allowance and the supermarket I had worked for has let me go as my injuries will unable me to work for a few more months. My student loans are just piling up into one massive debt and so are bills. I am lost for help, my friends have helped me as much as they can and I'm more than grateful for those who have a big heart to help me. Please help me get through this. I'm becoming too desperate to try and do anything to help make ends meet.