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Posted by: gregmacar - 12-04-2016, 04:56 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

is this what we are all here for?  i have not had any payments sent to my paypal.  this is just a start. i know. th epoint of money is to save. the feeling you have when you have money is calm. the other is a hatrid. that is also a illness. 

ok so here is the latest on my life. i am now disabled.  a recent snake bite from a rattle snake. left my left hand 3/4 parallized. my middle finger is usless. it is actually parallized. i get severe pain when i bend my finger. this is no good! this leaves me with out a way to work or other. get work.  I at this time have to start over! meaning. ith my life. ideas other.  here is an example today i was helping my dad. dig. i hit my middle fingle twice pretty close in time part. i got sick! looks like my health and the pain. connected to me has totaly crippled my aspect of health. ive got to take things slow slow on everything.  thats why my idea. of maybe lets talk. lots of you private. and lets see if i can you get you to regulay donate to me. . what else am i going to do. 

aworkmansplace@gmx.com    my email directly. we can start of there or if you want to give me a balloon payment feel free!

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  Help to get back on my feet.
Posted by: RN-N-NEED - 12-02-2016, 11:27 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, my name is Steven. Thank you for taking the time to read this! For the last 10 years I had the honor of taking care of my disabled mother. She passedawY August of last year after a long fight with COPD.  I paid for all expenses because here disability check went towards medical bills. The last year I had with her a lot of debt was accumulated. I was using credit cards at this point to pay for groceries, utilities, and any other unexpected bills. I used the credit cards because I didn't want her to know we were struggling so bad. I wanted her to be able to enjoy he final days not worrying about bills. She had struggled all my life as a single mother.   Im am  well over $10,000 in debt. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! 

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  i need help
Posted by: mnsharp82 - 12-02-2016, 03:57 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a single mother of two children. I just switched jobs for better pay and more hours.  Within two weeks of switching they cut my hours.  I have had to get payday loans to help pay bills.  Now I can't afford to pay them or my bills.  I have looked for other jobs but am not finding any. I have looked for loans to help pay the payday loans but my credit is not good enough.  I don't qualify for state assistance because I fall in the donut hole. The child support that I am court ordered to get but don't always get is included in my income.  I am now swimming in debt and don't know how I will afford bills . Also one of my children has been diagnosed with major depression and I have had to take time off to support him through this tough time.  He just seems to have more and more things coming at him.  So now there are medical bills on top of the other bills I owe(rent, phone, utilities, etc...). I have even tried selling my antiques, jewelry, and collectibles and no one is interested. If anyone could or would help it would be greatly appreciated.

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  I just need a leg up!
Posted by: hope1 - 11-28-2016, 07:56 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I need about $5000 to secure a down payment for a vehicle and insurance,tags, tax's, etc.
My previous car bit the dust and it's left me in a dire situation ( lost job because of it ) I just need a leg up, I'm also willing to pay back that amount if that's what it takes, I'm about to loose my apt, I have 2 credit cards with a total of $700 credit ( maxed ) utilities are due, food is running out.....I don't know what to do and I need help quickly!.....PLEASE ANYTHING YOU CAN HELP WITH!......Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post, I appreciate it greatly.

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Thumbs Down husband took off. No money with a child to feed
Posted by: Tkeiser - 11-28-2016, 12:37 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Someone help me. Im a stay at home mom. My husband took off a week ago, with all our money. And I have no groceries, and our rent is due. I have literally no where to go and no money to my name. anything helps. 


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  Need help
Posted by: Chelle614 - 11-27-2016, 05:26 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello! My name is Michelle, and this is my story.
I am experiencing a financial hardship in my life right now as doors shut on me that has caused a struggle in my life. I was let go from my job, I am homeless and sleeping in my grandmother's basement on her floor. I am experiencing weight loss from the stress of my situation, no help from family, and learning that I honestly have no one. I cannot do crowd funding sites as my Facebook is of all the people who know my situation and careless about what I am going through. 
As I was out inn the road to correct debts I established from student loans, I am now unable to pay these as I exhausted all my resources. 
I am in need of getting me a car to get out to put applications in or interviews. I am in need of money to get back out on my own because my family is giving me certain time here but offering no help. 
Everything and anything is greatly appreciated and I plan to pay it forward to help the next person or persons that is on need. As this is what I have always done when I was up on my feet. 
My contact information is: msinglove330@gmail.com or PayPal.me/mlovesgod 

Quote:Again any donation is greatly appreciated and I cannot thank you enough

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Heart need help fast please!!!!!
Posted by: xsophiax25 - 11-27-2016, 01:01 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

well i really need help with money right now, i have a few debts but what makes matters worse is i cant afford my rent this month and i really do not want to be kicked out, and i can not work because of medical reasons so working is currently out the question.

well if i'm going to start somewhere its here about five years ago i had to leave my job for medical reason i got diagnosed with a brain tumour, i mean yes i still at first worked with it as i didn't want it to get in the way of life but the tumour causes a lot of pain in my head sometimes the pain was that bad id be laying on the floor screaming, so my doctor gave me a sick note saying that my work had to put me somewhere less stressful and away from customers but work refused and said they couldn't so i then had to leave it. my partner was the only one working so it was a struggle to cover the loses of my wages, i then had to sign onto pip to help with money. after a while things started to sort out we started catching up on everything but then more and more things just happened that we have to pay out for. the list of medication just got longer and more and more visits to the hospital was costing us too just to get there. then my daughter needs extra help with her problems so trying to get the best things for her and clubs suited for her was costing us more and more but still we were doing our best and i started to feel a bit better in myself.

now this is the reason why we are bad now and the worse we have ever been, i had a friend who had no where to go with her disabled son and i felt so bad for her so me and my partner offered her a place to go if she got pull her weight though. i mean at first we knew things wouldn't be easy as she would have to wait for all her benefits to sort out so knew the first month we were going to struggle. the first month past and she got her payments but yet still didn't put a single penny towards anything nothing towards the bills or shopping in fact had the cheek to buy goodies for herself and son. i was really angry at her but struggled with the idea of kicking her out because of her disabled three year old and it made things hard. this went on for four months of us paying everything and she didn't even help out around the house she would sleep all day and id have to look after her son which then made the pain from my tumour worse as i was stressed all the time trying to look after my own daughter with her extra needs then i had to look after his needs which was really hard and i suffered mentally quite badly which made my borderline personality hard to handle and to make matters worse she was bullying my six year old daughter when no one was in the room and would become aggressive towards her which means my daughter needs more help now as she has suffered because of it. once everything came to light that this evil cow was doing to my daughter i showed her the door but sadly after completely removing her from our life we found out she ran up phones bills and even made our electric and gas bill up so high her alone was costing an extra £200 a month which i don't even know how she managed that but of course she was gone and not there to pay for it. i tried contacting her to say she should pay but she seems to think the whole world owes her, so getting the money from her is a no go sadly seen as it was her doing the calling and that. 

Now we are left trying to cover the debts but because it was so high we also struggling to keep up with current bills and payments and medical, some months its either we eat or we pay bills. even then sometimes i only have enough for my daughter to eat and that sometimes only seems like a tin for dinner. i've tried reaching out to local children centres and seeing about grants or what not because of my daughter needing the extra help but they don't seem to get back to me as the girl that lived with us messed them about. i then tried applying for loans but my credit rating is really bad from when i was younger and my landlord kicked me out and i couldn't afford the last months bills because i had to pay to move instead so my credit rating got destroyed. 

so im asking if there is any nice people out there that can help me cover my bills and get out debt anything could help right now little or high, and if you could ask other people to help me too would be great.

heres my link: paypal.me/shamilton969

thank you for taking the time to read this.

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  Disable veteran in need of financial help
Posted by: dshots - 11-26-2016, 02:00 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have recently force to quite my job due to injury i have sustain while i was on active duty, due to the lost of my job I have fell behind on my bills. I'm currently receiving $1900 for my service connected but its not enough to cover all my day to day expense and I also have 3 kids and a wife to care for. I've manage to reduce most of obligation but i'm still behind on my mortgage,utilities, and other bills. All asking for $20,000 to help me get back on track. I've exhausted all other option this my last resort

Paypal: paypal.me/spartafit
if anyone want to reach me by email
you can do so by sending it to pdachoute@gmail.com

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  Need help
Posted by: Gust07 - 11-25-2016, 11:29 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

We are a family of seven. I stay home with my youngest daughter who has a duplicate kidney system. Unfortunately, my health is not so good due to my diabetes and a recent car injury. My husband, already injured in Desert Storm and when in law enforcement, further injured his back in our accident which caused him to give up his part time job that was essential to meeting our rent. In reality, even working his full time job is a strain on his back (injured shoulder and lower back--spinal stenosis--in Desert Storm, and fractured T7 as a sheriffs deputy, now has two bulging discs in lumbar and an umbilical hernia from accident). We are trying to stay a float, but need some support with our rent and utilities.  Thank you for support.

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  Just trying to support my family
Posted by: Phillipthornell - 11-25-2016, 06:07 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I recently lost my job due to my vehicle breaking down. It Needs front end work brakes . I'm unable to drive it at this time and don't have a back up. My wife doesnt work and there is no money to fix the vehicle. The parts are not expensive so I can get them . any kinda help is appreciated

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