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  Help me make some lemonade from the lemons I've been given!
Posted by: L_S - 05-17-2016, 04:37 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Dear Very Nice Person,
I don't know if anyone can possibly help me out, I’m not sure how much money you have, but I am looking for enough to make a deposit on a house for my family to live in. I know I am asking a lot but things unfortunately have not gone the way I expected in life and for the last 18 months have been living back at my parents’ house, sharing a bed with my eldest while my 2 year old is still in a cot. I had to quit my job after they made it impossible for me to stay as the hours I was being given did not work with the nursery times so I had to depend on others to pick up my children and put them to bed every night (as the father is no longer about). The Employee union and Employee relations wouldn’t get involved in an issue which was already ongoing. I am currently just finishing a course to enable me to go to University in September where I am going to do a Bachelor degree in Early Childhood Studies, which will hopefully lead to teaching or working with children- In around 4 years time! I haven’t got a room to myself in the house and either sit in the kitchen or living room with my family whilst working on assignments. It’s very hard to concentrate and uncomfortable sitting for so long in the chairs on the laptop. I understand that I'm asking for a lot. So if you're not a millionaire it will not be possible to help me out of this situation. So maybe if you can’t afford to give me enough for a deposit for a house (which is an incredible ask and very cheeky, I know) perhaps you could spare enough for a computer (a tower one), a desk or a comfortable chair? Or perhaps some money towards a bunk bed for my girls? Money for future vets bills? School uniform as my eldest starts school in September? The list is endless isn’t it? I’m sorry to have to ask.  Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you for reading.



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  plz help my kods and i
Posted by: lilsarahxxo - 05-17-2016, 10:50 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

We only need around 160 bucks. For food, diapers, gas, bills... contact sarah at 330 612 6858 if you can help or my email lilsarahxxo35@gmail.com

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  Desperately need help to fix my car.
Posted by: tebojockey - 05-15-2016, 05:56 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a service-disabled veteran and long-term unemployed.  I have depleted everything I have trying to stay afloat, and live by the good graces of my sister and brother-in-law.

Yesterday, I stopped at the local shopping mall to drop off a couple of applications for jobs that I thought I could do.  When I returned to my vehicle, I found that the passenger-side mirror had been broken completely off.  I nearly was sick.  I flagged down one of the mall security who was driving by and we went to the office and checked the video from the lamppost near where I was parked.  It seems a large Ryder truck decided to drive through the parking spot, rather than back out and took the mirror completely off.  Of course, the video was so bad that we wouldn't make out the license plate or any truck numbers besides the Ryder logo.  The police won't do anything in a parking lot incident unless there are injuries or, God forbid, fatalities.

To make a long story short, I am nearly flat broke and I have a $500 deductible on my insurance.  A couple of people have said that a local shop would only charge about $380 to fix it, but again, I don't even have that much.  I can't ask family, since they are already doing so much for me, and at my age (59) the prospects of getting a good job again are pretty unlikely.

Dear reader, if there's any way you can help out with this expense, I would greatly appreciate it.  Our local VFW and Legion are too small to have that kind of money available in their respective relief funds, and I don't know what else to do.  I am embarrassed to be posting this, but I have to have this vehicle in drive-able condition to get back and forth from the VA hospital and job searches.

A picture of the damage is attached.  Please help!  PayPal.Me/tebojockey

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  Ill with no way to work
Posted by: CurrySnaps - 05-15-2016, 01:40 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, my name is Giana.

I'm 24 years old and I have a chronic illness that has made me unable to work for 4 years. I have been living with the only relative that has been willing to help me while I wait for the government to finally accept my disability. I've already been rejected 3 times, and I was told I have to wait for a year to get my court appeal date. This is a problem since the person who is helping me is my elderly grandmother who does not work. I don't want to keep depending on her since at this age the situation be the other way around. Please assist me in paying my bills and taking some of the responsibility off of my grandmother.

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  Help me please :((
Posted by: vikimucu - 05-15-2016, 12:21 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, I am a 14 year old girl and I'm looking for someone to send me some money as I would love to go on holiday but I can't as my parents can't afford to and I've never been abroad, it'd be great if I could get some donations. Thank you so much. You can send some to the following links : paypal.me/vickyszabo

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  Struggling young man...
Posted by: TxFireman - 05-14-2016, 11:53 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm currently out of town and stranded. I'm seeking any assistance for auto repairs and travel expenses so that I'm able to get back home safely. Thanks and God Bless

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Exclamation Urgently need help!!
Posted by: amiey - 05-12-2016, 06:53 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have recently been in a house fire which destroyed everything. I have nothing but the clothes that I managed to escape in. 
I have been sleeping on a friends couch for the past month and have been suffering with crippling anxiety. 

Please can you help me to get back on my feet? I need to find money for a deposit for a new home, a passport so that I can find work and to help me live until then. 

I really am desperate! I would never beg for money if I didn't have to. 


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  want to go back to school
Posted by: vampzombie1031 - 05-12-2016, 05:27 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi I'm gonna be going back to school but I need help getting a few supplies I need a laptop to start and I need help please help me go back to school please guys 

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  Tough times for single mom
Posted by: wishmiss21 - 05-11-2016, 08:29 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

First I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my post. I am currently going through a ugly divorce and during this time have had to adjust to a single-income to provide for my two children. I am currently behind on a few bills including power and my car which is my transportation to work. My son just had a 2nd birthday and I feel horrible because I had to return some of his gifts for gas to get to work this week. I'm not asking for much anything will help really hopefully just to get caught up on some bills and be able to get my son's gifts back. This has been an extremely stressful time. Hopefully once the divorce is final and the child support is set me and my children can continue to be build a happy life. In the meantime I'm trying not to let the stress get to me but unfortunately it does cause me to be short. Again I think you for taking the time to read my post and thank you in advance for any help

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Heart Fallen on hard times with no pay & a major knee injury
Posted by: pleasehelp0515 - 05-09-2016, 08:56 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Today is my 1 year wedding anniversary. It is also the last day I can be paid on FMLA.  I was placed on leave back in April due to a knee injury. I found out this morning that I have to have surgery to fix it. I will be out for at least 3 pay periods with no pay. We have increasing credit card debt, medical bills and other bills we can not pay. We would appreciate any help you could give us. We have fallen on hard times. I hope that one day I can pay forward any generosity shown to me through this site. Please consider helping us--it would mean more than words can say.  Thank you Heart

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