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Mental illness is hitting hard at the moment

My name is Laura and I'm 24 an currently deep down in a major depression hole, therefore I can't work at the moment to finance my life.
There were cuts in money in my support system and now I could only handle to pay me study fee, but there is nothing left to live anymore. 
I'm studying Game Design and it's my dream job, to create worlds and games that enlighten someones life, as previous games did for me. 

So there is rent to pay and groceries and cat food to get... I'm sure I can get some money together for the rent, but the groceries thing is scaring me.

I'm trying to get a job next month and don't be dependent on others help. 

The money issue is just dragging me down more and more... and my family won't help since we cut contact years ago, because they abused me as a child.

I don't even want to beg for money, but my life is circling into a blackhole, because of this money issue. I even would rather by my cats food then me.

I would be pleased with anything!!


If you read until here I hope you have a great and wonderful day. Stay safe, drink some water & do some selfcare. You are beautiful!

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