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Single Mama is struggling, asking for any help available
Hello my name is Jodie. I am a 40 year old single mama to 3 boys. My boys are 14, 12, and 9. We reside in a small town in Northeast PA. Four years ago my 16 year marriage came to a screeching halt when I discovered that my then husband was having an affair and his mistress was pregnant with his child. My kids needed me, they needed consistency, something/someone they could depend on. The job I had at the time did not allow me to be what my boys needed, so I quit. I now work for myself, able to set my schedule around that of my kids.
     I'm here asking for financial help because I have exhausted all other options and due to Covid-19 and being deemed non-essential, I'm on the verge of losing everything. I have depleted my savings account, I have had zero cash flow since March 13. I filed my 2019 taxes on February 23. The IRS website says they are still processing my return and I will get a Direct Deposit date when available. When I check the status of my stimulus, it says at the current time they can't determine if I am eligible for the payment. Basically, until my return is processed they are unsure of eligibility. Last Saturday, April 18, PA finally opened the temporary unemployment portal for the self employed. I filed and my claim was accepted and payments will be retroactive, but they will not be disbursed for another 6-8 weeks. I have no money right now, absolutely zero. I can't afford groceries for my kids. I'm in danger of losing our home. Since I file w/ 1099 misc not a W-2, Chase bank requires my tax transcripts to restructure. My transcripts won't be available until my refund is processed. The IRS can't be reached to answer questions at this time. I reached out to Senator Toomey who put me in touch with a tax advocate, who is taking on my case but told me with staff shortages it will be at least a couple weeks until any real progress is made. 
     I'm at such a loss. I feel forgotten. I am at the end of my rope and I'm scared. I'm physically sick and cry all the time. I work hard. I have my whole life. I support my children. I need help and I can't find any. I beg of anyone who happens to read this,if you can, please help myself and my children. I don't want my boys to lose more than they already have, but I don't know how to stop it. This is my Hail Mary, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank anybody who reads this and does what they can to help….from prayers to monetary donations….My boys and I are eternally grateful!

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