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Need help after car accident
Good evening!
My name is Jackson Hedrick, I'm 19, and back on October 20th, I got into a car accident. My brakes failed, and I rear ended someone. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and only my car was totaled. However, because I rear-ended someone, my insurance company refused to help cover any of the costs. So all the money I was saving up, was more than spent on all the fees. This put me into debt, and then I had to take an uber to work every day while still having to pay rent. Because of this, I have not been able to save money. I recently ended up just buying a car, but that involved me charging $3k, that I didn't have, to a credit card, and that's basically where I am now. So I'll be able to save money now that I'm not buying uber every week! But I am very much in debt.

Any assistance, whether it's donations or sharing, means a lot!

Thank you, and have a good night

(If you want a lengthier explanation with edits and pictures, as while as where to donate, check to gofundme link!)

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