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Seeking Redemption
        "In 1991, while hanging out on the Old Chain Of Rocks, Route 66 Bridge, with some people I had been partying with that night. I was a part of a crime that took place, where innocent people were raped, robbed, and murdered. I hate that I did not have the courage to stop the attack and I hate that I took part in one of the rapes.
I was convicted of two counts of First Degree Capital Murder and received two death sentences on April 9, 1993. I spent-the next twenty-three years trying to prove I did not kill anyone and arguing the reason I confessed was because of police brutality.
On May 18, 2009, I was read an execution warrant that scheduled my execution for the 12:00 am on 17th day of June 2009, by means of the lethal injection, through the use of the three drug cocktail protocol. I prayed to the most high for the strength to accept the will of God, no matter what God's decision might be. On June 5, 2009, a bird came and sat with me e whole first part of the day. Unbeknownst to me, my mother and father were pleading for my life with the Attorney General Chris Koster. At 4:45 pm that afternoon, I received a stay of execution.
After 23 years of struggling and loving support, my capital murder case was vacated on November 23, 2015. Where the Supreme Court Of Missouri, found a Brady violation occurred, where prosecutors his evidence that proved I was beaten by police detectives. On the 17th day of December 2017, I plead guilty in exchange for five, 30 year life sentences, with the possibility of parole and eligibility for immediate release. Now I fight for redemption among these good and bad choices".

This campaign is to help support the Justice for Reggie Liberation Project,  Caught-Up,under the wrong circumstance, 19 year old Reginald Clemons found himself on death row. With a police brutality appeal decision ruling in his favor he is eligible for release, humbled but with a heavy heart he can turn a page but the past can never be erased. Incarcerated since 1991, Reginald has completed I.C.V.C, Inmate suicide prevention program, I.T.C, to name a few he has earned over 30 certificates and is currently attending  (PREP) for St.Louis University thought a prisoner reform project. The funds will be going toward life expense but more important league counsel on Clemons vs Joseph Brauer, et al., caes# 4:17-cv-2739, were by the request of Mr. Clemons  all settlements will go toward the well being of the Kerry family. " This is the biggest part of my redemption and I pray for all the families involved and the victims I've impacted." Looking for healing with a hopeful future, Reginald is eligible for release in 2020. Grateful for the chance and opportunity to make a change, I thank you for your support.

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