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I really need help. This is my last chance.
I need help on paying my institution. I was able to make a deal and have an 46% discount which is huge for this kind of place where only the elite people go. My talent was recognized and they have me a chance. But I don't have any family or friends that can help with that and my job only covers food and rent. I don't want to give up on my dream but there is no way I can afford it. This is a impossible situation where I almost thought of giving up on my own life but I found this forum and I am not giving up. This forum made me see I am not all alone and I can find people who actually cares. And it was so refreshing it gave me new strength. I have only three months to raise this money. It was the time they gave me. Any amount would help me out. Before I was thinking about o proud to register myself but yes I am begging. I want to realize my dream. I need to be free. I need to live. I am tired of working and going home and waking up to work again. I do not live. I do not know what I did to be abandoned this way with no family since my grandmother passed away but I will fight and I need help to be able to stand up in my feet. I will hold with all my strength in this change they gave me. So please if anyone can help me please do.

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