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Fighting for disability over 2 years now and need some hope.
I have been sitting here for the last hour wondering how I was going to make this request and am realizing that I need to just write out what happened to me.
Hello, my name is Dustin. I am 32. I am diagnosed with OCD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder and Bipolar Depression. I went from having a very nice life to having nothing in a very short span. I am desperate and I need some help.
The truth is that I was a fairly successful media personality that had managed to hide my condition from the public until it eventually caved in on me. I went from being that happy-go-lucky guy who would give you the shirt off his back to being lost, scared and alone with very few resources still available to me. Because I could no longer work, I decided to apply for Social Security Disability only to go through the worst experience I have ever had with our government. I've gone from judge to judge, lawyer to lawyer trying to get some sort of help but at every turn, I have been shot down.
The problem is, even with over 20 years of mental trauma, therapy notes and a SMI designation from the state, the whole SSDI process is full of paper pushers and bureaucrats more interested in saving quotas than looking at the big picture. They don't understand how someone who could work in the public could suddenly collapse and contrary to their own laws, my public defender can't seem to convince them that the mountains of documented paperwork on my condition is enough to warrant a lousy 800 bucks a month to try to live on.
Life with a mental condition is no joke and because of the crippling panic, I have been negated to living with my Mom, losing any chance I have to work and watching my car, my relationships, my bank account and my life get scratched to nothing. I have begged and borrowed from everyone I know and I just am at a point where I don't know what to do anymore. I saw this site as a way to maybe get a foot hold again. Get some better help and maybe figure out a way to want to keep living for another day.
I am not asking for a million dollars nor am I asking for thousands. I just want enough where I can help my Mom out, maybe try to get a foothold and keep trying to fight to survive for one more day. I don't know if this is worth it and maybe... I am just fooling myself. Maybe the world is better off without guys like me but I don't know. I just know that this gives me something to hope for and maybe that's all I need.
Anyways, thank you for your time and if you feel you can help me keep going, great. If not, thank you anyways.
Good luck man i hope you get help. If you do then maybe i will because we are in the same boat.

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