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I respectfully request your financial  assistance.  I am located in the Caribbean and is  currently unemployed, married has two children ages sixteen and twelve. My wife has been also unemployed for the past couple years because of mental health issues, depression, panic attacks on a regular basis and  also suffers from high blood pressure. I have always been the main bread  winner for the family but for the two past years I encountered a knee injury, which has  seriously incapacitated me from working up to this present day. My inner tendons of my right knee is severely damaged after falling by my bathroom area and was told then, by my doctor that healing will take some time eventually leading to surgery for a full recovery or total healing.  
This has resulted in serious financial problems as before my injury, already exited such issues, making matters worse not being able to service my monthly bills, feeding my family etc. It has been a horrific and very stressful life for the past two years, as we  have been evicted twice rent in arrears,  my children not being able to attend school, we had to resort to online schooling because that was the cheaper way out, no books to buy,  no uniforms, shoes to buy, no transportation fees, Lunch expenses etc. My children, hurts a lot because they er performing excellently at school, my daughter graduated from high school last year high passes in all her subjects. She is presently doing an  Associate Degree in Business Management and Entrepreneurship with an online school. Last year as well my son was suppose to write an exam to graduate from primary school as we call it in the Caribbean or junior high  to high school but he was not allowed to write the exam because of his many absence from school. However, we enrolled him in the same online school that my daughter attends. It ‘s painful for my wife and I  because my son is also very brilliant, at his age  he is into coding, programming, global History, Science and has a passion for Quantum Physics etc.  The School is located in Jamaica and we are already in arrears in tuition fees. In fact we have paid some of my daughter ‘s fees, there is a balance but have not been able to pay any fees for my son and we hope they will be allowed to commence the second year this coming September.     
 Rent is in arrears again, utility bills also in arrears, water, electricity and internet. Water and electricity are especially worse as there was recent disconnection, terrifying experience, interfered with the children ‘s schooling, my wife ‘s pressure went up the roof, however had to borrow money to reconnect adding to the list of debtors that I owe. With both utility companies, I had to get into agreements to pay arrears and current bills monthly, I have been struggling to do that. My car has been parked because of the situation, no insurance, no licence, needs tyres, air condition  not working and needs suspension parts. My licence has been expired since March 2021.  I want to get my car back on the road so I could rent it out, part of my plan to generate income. Most of all, we are not eating proper meals on a daily basis. That hurts a lot in regards to the children.       
 However, my wife ‘s mental state has worsen because of the entire situation, which is why I would greatly appreciate your assistance. In light of the above explanation, considering the entire situation  and according to my calculations am humbly requesting  about US $3000. This amount would pay off all debts having a balance to  keep us afloat,  as I continue to peruse  online jobs, because of my inability  to work physically as mentioned before. I have not been even able to take care of this injury medically as I should because of this situation. 
I would greatly appreciate your help,  as parents my wife and I would not want to interfere with our children's future by depriving them of a proper education because of our domestic situation. Hence, my humble effect for seeking help. My paypal link is
Thanking you in advance. 

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