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Face scarred and eyes burned with acid - need assistance for surgeries
A man put something (I'm calling it acid because of what it did to my scalp, face & eyes)in a bottle of shampoo. He did other things like crush glass and put it in places where it ended up embedded in my skin, but nothing as bad as what the substance he put in my shampoo bottle did. 
Since this he has been threatening my life and I haven't gone anywhere in almost a year because of all of these things. Police wouldn't even dispatch an officer to me so he's not in any trouble. I've tried to raise funds for an attorney but I'm slowly loosing faith. I'm tired and it seems like justice or rights just don't really exist. 

Now I'm trying to just fix my vision and the scars. I don't think they'll ever go away but if I could get treatment to make it less swollen and painful I would be happy. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read

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