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At the end of my resources, and of myself.
I have lost a lot this year, and it is taking a lot for me to reach out, as I feel that others may have more dire circumstances, however I am currently on the verge of becoming homeless.  I lost a wonderful job this year, and have had trouble finding further gainful full-time employment.  I am working/have worked part-time, one-time/gig jobs, as well as tried all off the online suggestions (virtual assistant, surveys, offers, etc.), and I am continuously applying to and interviewing for full-time positions.  I do have a degree and solid experience, but everyone else I know is having trouble finding anything as well.
I have exhausted all of my financial resources, including my savings and unemployment, and I currently do not have enough gas to make it to any interviews that may come up.  I have been renting a room from "friends," and I am now being told that I am to be out preferably by the end of this week, but will be given until the end of next week if need be, as they have another individual who is able to pay rent on December 1st, which will allow for Christmas gifts for their kids (those whose extra room I am renting).  I have a dog and two cats who I also fear for, but will figure out.  
I don't mean for this to sound so "woe is me," I am simply tired and scared.  I am doing everything in my power to provide for myself - I am in my 30's and have always been very self-sufficient yet humble; I am so VERY grateful for any and all help.  I do need to eat and put gas in my car, as well as come up with a small amount of funds to contribute to where ever I end up having to go from here.  Thank you all.
Ahh, I feel for you and while I have nothing financially to give there are those of us in a similar situation and empathise, I just hope you found somewhere to stay

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