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Help Me Avoid Eviction ($1750)
Hello all!

First, I would like to thank you for visiting my page and considering me for your charitable offer. Now, onto the storytelling...

I moved to Chicago from my hometown of Lafayette, IN in May 2018. Since then, I’ve been doing my best to enjoy the city and make new friends. It started off great, I was working at a restaurant as a hostess and making plans to attend one of Chicago’s awesome private universities. Financial hardship hit me at a point in August, so I picked up a second job. I was clocking 75+ hours a week, working overtime whenever possible. I was pulling in loads of money and dig myself out of a hole. In the midst of all this, I also met the sweetest boy ever and began dating him.

However, in October my new beau asked a seemingly harmless question, for me to co-sign a loan for him. He promised to make payments on time, and I trusted him, only to later find out I shouldn’t have. Instead of adding me as a co-signer he signed the loan IN MY NAME which then lead to them charging my account and unfortunately sending it into overdraft. From there it was a complex mess of things (losing one of my jobs, unable to pull my account out of the red, having to sell personal belongings) that lead me to where I am now. 

I missed rent payment the month of January. My landlords are very low mess, no mess people, and have already given me a 5 days notice. I am also in legal battle with my EX-boyfriend. I’m not asking for help with that. I’m only asking to help pay the $1750 I owe in rent so that I can pay next month and breathe easy.

I came here because I am too financially sound to apply for any government aid, and my family cannot help at all. 

Thank you for reading, and I hope to pay this back somehow to the world in some way. Blessings!

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