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Trek for Addiction Awareness
Dear friends, family, and folks who have stumbled upon this page,
In August 2022, I will be taking part in a 7-day expedition with a team of 12 climbers from around the world to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa's tallest peak and the tallest freestanding mountain on planet Earth at an elevation of 19,341ft. Summiting one of the big 7 has been a lifelong goal of mine, and I am finally in a place in my life where I can make this trip a reality.
Considering this trek will certainly be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, I wanted to put a larger purpose behind it and bring some awareness to a cause that has become extremely close to me - addiction rehabilitation. My younger sister Keryn struggled with opioid addiction for much of her teen and young adult life, but thanks to the truly astounding recovery network on Cape Cod and the incredible swath of resources available to her, she was able to steer herself back onto a path of health and sobriety. She is now 3 years sober and recently began studying at Cape Cod Community College and started on her path to nursing school where she is currently a straight-A student.
So why am I making a GoFundMe? There is always an inherent awkwardness to fundraising, and I know it certainly can come across as "hey there friends, I'm doing this big thing can I have some money?". Firstly, let me say that this trip is already paid for in full, and if I don't raise a dime, I will be doing it for the same purpose regardless. My goal is to raise $15000+. Where will this money go? If I hit my goal, $3000 will cover the expenses of the trek. The remainder of the proceeds I will give in the form of charitable cash donations to a handful of organizations that helped Keryn get back on her feet - Recovery Without Walls, The Herren Project, Recovered Souls, and Wellstrong. Additionally, I will give some direct funds to Keryn to help fund her education (tuition, school supplies, class fees, etc) and keep her on this path of recovery. If I do NOT reach my goal, whatever money raised will go direct to charity. This will be the hardest thing I've ever physically endured, and it will never compare to the pain of addiction. BUT, at the very least, this is an opportunity to pay it forward and give back.

To the Cape Cod recovery community: Thank YOU for all you do to help folks in recovery fight this disease and get the second chances they deserve.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the love, kindness, and consideration. No donation is too small and if you are not in a position to give, please share. If you have any questions about this effort, please feel free to contact me.
Love y'all,

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