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I'm a single mother of 2 boys moved to NY last year from VA.  We don't know many people and stay to ourselves.  It's kinda hard to explain but somewhat felt obligated but mainly felt I needed to reach out to few people here and give them guidance.  Treat them as we wish to be treated welllllllll strike 3 for me.  Several of my accounts have been hacked it's like a tornado hit my financial world.  Yes I've cut all contact and trying to clean up this mess but it's the month before school starts and football.  If I pay main bills only I'm still not going to have enough money to get school clothes, shoes, supplies, football cleats, and put food on the table.  I was gonna try take them on a vacation as well but I screwed that up being too trusting.  I know this is all my fault but any help whatsoever as soon as I get back on my feet I'll pay it forward for someone else that gets caught up in a situation like mine.  Thank you for taking the time to read and remember to smile today and count the ones you get back.  (Love that game!) My experience is Thursday's generate more smile after hump day or payday?  Either way bet you smiled and it's Tuesday. Sorry just trying to spread love and positivity and thanks again.

Pay it forward as I will do the same...

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