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In a very bad place. Please help me see light
Well let me start off by saying that I know everyone has they’re own problems and other problems might seem insignificant compared to your own. I am the kind of person that never asks for anything from anyone as I believe what I said above. They have their own problems they are trying to deal with and I don’t want to burden them with mine. But the situation I am in has lead me down this path and I cannot help but ask for help. So on to the reason I am here. 

I had been working a temporary job all summer for the simple fact that it allowed me to stay home with my family. It wasn’t a high paying job and we were barely keeping the wolf from the door. I got a job offer for twice the take home money weekly so my wife and I decided I should take it. So being cautious I waited for a drug test appointment before I Let my employer know I was taking another job. Sure enough my appointment came on a Monday and i told my employer that I had another job offer and that I wouldn’t be continuing to work there. So I went to my appointment and passed my drug test. So the other company contacted me and told me to be ready to start work on that Friday. Friday came and I never got the call so I contacted them and they said that the start date was moved ticket the following Friday. That was 6 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago they told me they didn’t need me anymore. I said why would you pay for a drug test and not hire me. She said the requirements changed. Well now that certainly put me in a position doesn’t it. I quit my previous job to take this one so I’m not entitled to employment insurance. So after 6 weeks the bills are piling up and things will soon be cut off. 

Fast forward to now. I have sent almost 40 resumes for jobs in my area. Nothing. I have been applying for jobs for which I have no experience right to my very experienced ability and everything in between. I guess they look at my resume and think to themselves this guy is over qualified. If we offer him a position when something better comes along he will jump ship. 

My wife works 40 hours a week and now she is taking a job for the weekends. She does not deserve this. She is the kindest person I know. 

My doctor has me on medication now because I can’t sleep and every minute I’m awake I feel like crying. My stomach hurts all the time as does my head. If I didn’t have kids I would kill myself so I wouldn’t be a burden on my wife. 

Please show me that people do care. That were not all only out for ourselves. 
Anything you would like to donate will not be wasted I promise. It will put food in one of my kids bellies or help my wife take a day off. Anything is a help. Thank you in advance.

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