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Need $150 for rent whatever little helps
Hello everyone, this is the second place i have come to for money because i am truly desperate. I usually have my money in a firm budget because I know I don't have enough to splurge around. My rent is the first thing I focus on but this month I had an unexpected expense in the form of my narc mother's meds. She was in the hospital and promised me her boyfriend would pay me back but surprise surprise he knows nothing about the money and she won't even answer my calls anymore. 

I was able to get $50 dollars from a coworker who saw me crying abouth this but that's all i've got. I have called any and everyone and i'm getting nothing of course i can't blame them it's my fault for trusting a woman who won't even call me on my birthday unless it's to ask if my coworkers got me cake and can  she have some. 

i just need a little assistance i have begged my landlord to help me and he's waived the late fees but says i need to pay before christmas or in the coming week. I even asked my boss but he said no.

please any little will do i know everyone has it rough and i fucked myself over trusting her but please i am trying my best and she promised she would never put me in a bind but here i am. 
 i never had a paypal before today i just opened it because the other place needed one please help if you can any little counts i'm still working on it as and i will edit if i can swing it myself. 

You all do not owe me a damn thing but i'm honestly at your mercy you won't ever see me here unless it's to return the favor i promise. if you need to be paid back just let me know i will gladly do it if you can come up with a contract for me that's legal and stuff i definetly dont mind i don't like owing people but i'm desperate right now. 

i will leave the paypal here for those who want to help

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