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Help! About to become homeless in a foreing country

I hope I can reach someone with this.

I have never used any kind of sites like this, I have never known what it was like to be in this kind of need.

I'm a Venezuelan girl in Spain, I'm 30 years old, and I have worked my way to be here to get myself better opportunities and to be able to help out my family in Venezuela financially. But recently, and because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have found myself without a steady job, and thanks to that my work permit here in Spain was denied, therefore I can't work here legally, everything that I can find is under the table, and nothing stable.

I have reached a debt (rent and bills) of €2000, and my heart and my brain aches. I feel completely hopeless because I'm my only safety net, and I can't make ends meet, I can't even help myself and as much as I'm fighting and trying to find ways, and jobs and a way to have some sense of security + get my bills paid, I just can't. This might be my anxiety talking, but I feel as "I can't reach the coast" and I'm drowning. I will be kicked out of my home by the end of this month if I can't pay my bills, I will become homeless, and I don't know what else to do. I think I'm hopeless.

If anybody reads this and can help me out... Please, here's my paypal:
whatever you can help me with will be greatly appreciated.
Please, help me, I don't know what else to do.
I will really appreciate any kind of help, and most of all I'm sure that would restore my hope.

If you are there, god bless you.

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