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Desperate after extreme loss
 My I go by Linn and I am a small photography business owner, in addition i work 2 other jobs to support my family.

A little about my business, I created  as a way to cope with my pain by creating art. Since 2017 my husband has been deported, my best friend was murdered, my grandpa died due to medical negligence & my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer that killed him in less then seven months- while i helped take care of him. I actually got into photography using my Dads original Canon T1, when he was alive to see my work he was so proud. I am currently my families soul provider as my husband is still deported and unable to find work. Our lawyer fees and credit debt are all on me and it is overwhelming.  At this point anything would help either of us. I need about $20,000 to move out of my moms and buy a place to help my family well being. Right now all my money goes to my business or helping him I cannot save. I know we are surviving which I am grateful I just want to know what thriving feels like. I feel i do my best to give back to people and be a kind person. Money may also be spent on photography equipment, or if you shoot with Canon & want to donate I would love that. I know they give out so many a year, i tried to reach out with no luck. been deported, my best friend was murdered, my grandpa died due to medical negligence & my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer that killed him in less then seven months- while i helped take care of him. I actually got into photography using my Dads original Canon T1, when he was alive to see my work he was so proud. I am currently my families soul provider as my husband is still deported and unable to find work. My business is my life, and my outlet for all the terrible things that happened in the past. I know with some new products I could really elevate my business... that is why I am reaching out for coupons, I work hard for all I have I just cant afford a brand new or even refurbished at the moment..

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