Unable to find help for earthquake damage repair - Printable Version

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Unable to find help for earthquake damage repair - TheRift - 04-06-2020

Hello there, hopefully this isn't against the rules. I made this lengthy post on another platform already, but I wanted to share the link.

Briefly however, I'm being battered by earthquakes at present in Southwestern Puerto Rico (well, everyone is). I've tried to find people who would chip in towards a funding goal intended to repair the house and keep it from collapsing, but nothing has worked. Due to the present situation I've neither work nor the money necessary to tackle this issue (Granted, this homes income is less than $4000 a year). The work itself consisted of menial tasks such as painting walls, or mowing lawns; it wasn't much, but it helped one get by. Due to the Coronavirus situation and quarantine however, I've no recourse, no refuge or otherwise. Many buildings have already collapsed in this and surrounding municipalities, but I can't go outside and risk getting sick, so I have to stay inside and hope the next earthquake isn't a big one every time one happens. On the beggingmoney post I attached photos of some of the damage to the house for those interested. All of you reading this who choose to help me get through this mess, and keep my house standing, thank you for your kindness. And to those of you who didn't, thank you for at least taking a brief moment to read this post.