Needing Emergency Help Please! - Printable Version

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Needing Emergency Help Please! - KatMC - 02-10-2019

I promised myself, that I would never become one of those who would seek someones fincally and to stand on my own feet in life despite my health problems.  However, it seems that once in your life you hit so rock bottom that it is hard to climb back up. As of now I have n option but pray that somehow a miracle can happen to set me right on my feet once more.

My name is Kathryn McLeod , thirty one struggling just to do the simplest of things in life such as affording food, keeping water and electricty on whie trying to get my GED and facing the fact with my mental and phyical health that disability is the only option for me. One thing I have tried to avoid for so long, but my case managor beleives I need.

I am Bipolar suffer from cronic PTSD and other mental handicaps I do not feel comfortable in mentioing plus a heart defect and immune system of a newborn to the point that I can harldy step outside around flu season added to the fact that due to a car accident and faulty surgery I have been i a wheelchair the past ten years. Even after this last surgery with the way the tissue and bones are deteriorating and the lack of healing I am facing the fact I will soon my ankle will be amputated.  I live off and on with my mother but with her own health and job she can only afford  the nesssitites for herself, and I do not want to be a burden on her. As of now our living condtions are less than desireable. Everyday when the showers of our community center are open we go down to take are of our hygine since our own tub is fallen in. Our bathroom and kitchen floors have holes in them. Due to having no heat our pipes freeze often. At times he go without electricty due to bad wiring, so many repairs we simly can not afford if we want to eat and pay our other bills.

When we are able to get something repaired we have to go without but one meal a day, and with my moms diabetes it is not a healthy thing. I am trying to find odd jobs to help until I can get my disability but their is only so much my body can do. It’s at the point now we have no water eletricty or food. We were able to stay overnight somewhere but after that we will be back out in the cold.  I have sought 211 nd the charites here in our small rural town but there is only so much they an do. So I am turning to here, my last option hoping and praying we can find a little help. Or even a prayer. Please keep us in your thoughts.

And if you can help, or you can’t even, God bless you.