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  My Last Hope
Posted by: theendoftheroad - 12-20-2015, 11:49 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Hello. I'm not really good at telling this kind of story. I'm usually a pretty happy-go-lucky guy for a very poor man. I have never had much, and I don't need much.  A little over a year ago I had all that I needed in my car, my apartment, a wonderful person to spend the time with, humble furnishings and basic amenities.  When that relationship dissolved I was I'll equipped go cope. In my haste I acquired a couple of roommates. Good guys slightly younger than my own 28 years. The short of the story is that in October they both decided to move in with their new girlfriends. From there I struggled to recover. Unable to make my rent, I came to an agreement with my landlord to move out to avoid being potentially served an eviction. As a business situation I don't feel it unfair, but this was my life.  It brought me to sleeping on a couch at my mom's, which is where I am today.  In all of this, along with a loss of hours in my field due to deacreasing sales, left me crushed under the weight of stress. I'm doing all I can to handle it, including using what little gas I have to look for a second job. But I have now become behind on car payment. I have a lot of debt honestly, but if I can get caught up on my car I can work on everything. Family can't help, friends can't help. I need this car, but at three payments behind of 244 each I'll never be abletoo catch that up. If I can I truly think I can balance my life again. Thank you for your help and time. Any suggestions to spread this or to make this amount of money by Monday are very appreciated. My paypal link is paypal.me/mylasthope

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  Needing some assistance
Posted by: Zach26243 - 12-17-2015, 06:06 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm not the type to ask for assistance but my family and I are in desperate need. Between my fiancee and I we have 4 children, youngest is 1 and oldest is 7. I lost my job end of november and have been waiting for unemployment to start.. and what my fiancee brings home is barely enough to cover our bills. Im asking for assistance with our rent which is $325 and our electric which is $234.24. If anyone can be of assistance it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this and God bless. PayPal.me/frittszach

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  Help my family put my morher in law to rest
Posted by: Ciera2006 - 12-17-2015, 02:09 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello Everyone,

My family and I have had three loved ones pass away in the laat month.We are trying our hardest to gather funds in order to put my mother in law to rest.She didn't have any insurance.My family and I have tried to reach out to family members and friends but they areunable to help.We don't know what to do or where to turn.Her cremation is one thousand dollars and her memorial service would be around eight hundred dollars.We are trying to do everything at the bare minimum and still can't afford to lay her to rest.If youcan help it would be greatly appreciated.

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  Need help recovering from relocating
Posted by: Davisbeauty - 12-17-2015, 12:22 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Recently relocated back to Texas with my family when I found out my 1st grandchild was on the way. Not only did the move set me back financially, but I took quite a pay cut, the cost of living is ridiculous here and it's causing me to go into a hole I don't want to go in to. I have an education and I'm putting in applications online almost daily but I need to clear out my debt before the baby gets here so can get off my family's couch and get a place for myself, my child and my grandchild. Anything would greatly be appreciated:

Credit Card 300
Credit Card 500
Behind Phone Bill 350
3 cell phones paying out 1500 (so bill will go back to normal)
Behind Car Ins 230
1 payday Loan 1000

This may seem like a lot to some... like nothing to others. I could afford this 6 months ago. I'm drowning now and I've exhausted all avenues. I've tried everything and cannot get a loan to save my life. This is my last resort. Thanks in advance.



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  Hear My Story
Posted by: Nschoff1 - 12-15-2015, 01:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

So my name is Nick Schoff. I'm from Nashua, NH. I currently reside in an apartment with some high school friends as roommates. I'm 19 years old, still without a license. My parents have always refused to help me growing up. Always refused to help me get my license, get a job, move out, get my life together really. Everything I've done with my life up to this point, i have done on my own. I've always gotten my own jobs. I've moved out on my own with my own money i saved. Always. The only help I've ever taken was from some good friends. Being on your own at my age, without a license or any parental guidance or financial support is one of the hardest things you can possibly imagine. The stress of that independence with nothing to fall back on, no college education or way to go to college, not much life/job experience or credit, no reliable car or license. That stress is excruciating. I've fallen to a bad spot in my life. I've recently bought a car so i could take the risk and teach myself to drive since i have no other ways to learn, and it turns out i bought a car with a lot of electrical problems. My car has been dead sitting in a Walmart parking lot for about 4 weeks now. Its truly a miracle it hasn't been towed yet, because i cant afford that. To make matters worse i also lost my job. Yep, living on my own with no job, no transportation to get another job, no money or income to fix my broken car car to get that transportation. I'm pretty much fucked. I'm in a cycle of stagnation and i'm helpless. I cant do anything but watch the rest of my saving go down the drain.

Now i guess ill take a minute to talk about more of my fucked up life situation. So about 8 months ago i developed an awful health condition. To be more specific, a digestive disorder of sorts. I've been to the hospital about 10 or more times; getting every exam and test known to man trying to figure it out. I even had to get a colonoscopy and endoscopy at my age just to try and figure out exactly whats wrong with me. After all those test and exams my condition is still unknown. I get this unbearable abdominal pain and cramps constantly. Constant diarrhea with practically everything i eat. There's no patterns with my eating and when i get symptoms. I've practically stopped eating because everything makes me sick to my stomach. I get nauseous and light headed to the point where i could barely go to work up until the point i lost my job. Every doctor or specialist I've seen is unable to diagnose it. I've racked up over a grand of medical bills i cant pay, that i cant afford. I need to go back soon but i really just cant afford it. I cant afford to be healthy. It's so frustrating. All this stress, all this frustration. Its eating away at me. To the point where i have become depressed. To be honest, i am at the point of being constantly suicidal and it scares the hell out of me. I don't want to be this way. I recently have gotten my heart broken yet again by someone i truly loved. I'm alone and scared. I just keep thinking to myself that i don't deserve this, i'm not a bad person, what did i do wrong? My health and my depression are affecting my quality of life but i just don't have any strength left to fight it. I'm about to lose the one thing i have left; my apartment. I cant lose my home, i just cant. I have no where to go. Literally no where. I dont want to become one of those homeless people you see walking down the streets of Boston. Life is just becoming impossible. I envy those who have it easy, have the money to fall back on, have the people to fall back on. I've never had that in my life. Im on my own and its so hard. I'm no different than anyone else. I have dreams and ambitions for my life. I want to go to college for music production, i want my band to go somewhere, I want to move, i want to experience everything beautiful in life, i want to fall in love and get married. Im just like everyone else. Except things arent easy for me. Im sick, mentally and physically, and just plain screwed over. I want to be happy. I want things to get better. I really do.

So that being said, if you want to help me i'd appreciate more than anything. I'm stuck in this hole and even the smallest help would let me get my life back on track. 
My paypal.me is: https://www.paypal.me/NSchoff 

-Thank you for at least listening to my story

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Bug Not really sure what to put for a title Dx
Posted by: ChaiTeaCake - 12-14-2015, 08:40 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Okay I don't really know how to do this, but hopefully if I do something wrong, someone can tell me. Smile 

 Hi, my name is Ally. I am a community college student in Southern California. I live with my mother who I help take care of as much as she takes care of me. Sadly about a month ago she lost her job and at almost 60 is not really looking for another. I've been looking for work for a while, but with no real experience it's not easy. I suffer from bipolar disorder which at it's worst can get real ugly and has. I recently was put back on my medication as the last time I thought I was able to be off it I had a terrible episode that forced me to stay out of school for almost a year until I could get myself together and be deemed "safe." We had insurance through my mother's job, but that is gone and I need help paying for my medication. I don't want to go through what I've been through and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm a little scared of what will happen when my medication runs out. I'm looking for a job and I do a few odd jobs(surveys, focus groups, reviews) online if I can find them , but they aren't dependable as I'm sure you know.  I'm slowly saving what I make on paypal, but I also have other expenses I needed to take care(bus money to get to school as I can't drive, food, etc.) these, however, are not what I'm concerned about at the moment. I'm also looking into clinics and such that offer free medication or discounted, but I would still need to pay for them. So, hopefully I can find a little help here until I am able to get things sorted out. Any kind of help is appreciated and any amount that can be donated to my paypal is greatly appreciated. Any questions you have can possibly be answered, as there are somethings I don't want to discuss on here, but I'm sure some people will want to know more. Thank you for reading and have a good day/night!


I think I did this right, thanks!

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  Needing Some Assistance
Posted by: masie4174 - 12-13-2015, 10:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, first off, I've never done this before, asking for assistance. Well, I'm a soon to be divorced,  single mother of two teenage boys that are very active in school, sports, friends, and family.  I'm going through a very nasty divorce, where he has caused me to lose my job, my car, and possibly losing my place to live. Now with Christmas here, I'm not even able to buy anything for my boys. If I don't get some help then my soon to be ex will try his best to take my boys from me and I have been the only constant parent in their lives since the day they came into this world. My two boys mean everything to me and I will do anything to keep them in my life. So, now I'm here asking for some help from strangers with the hope that someone will hear my cries for help.

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Star robbed - help for a struggling working single mother fallen on hard times
Posted by: Melissa083 - 12-13-2015, 11:17 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi and thank you for your  time and consideration 
2015 has been a very hard year for myself and my two children aged 11 and 5; after escapi g a violent relationship and have g to rebuild our lives from scratch 
I've been working full-time to make basic ends meet and pay for childcare this Christmas was always going to be a struggle. Yeasturday morning we we're robbed off practically everything including g the children's presents, electronics, clothes and even our frozen food from freezer. I have lost hope and we once again have nothing.
My hearts broken for my kids who will be going without any X'mas presents and I will be luckY to scrap a meal together
I'm looking for a little help to replace our stolen basics like clothes ,  Christmas presents and food once again in the freezer.
A little goes a long way and I will be eternally grateful for any help Please if you can 

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  Christmas money
Posted by: Jordynbrielle - 12-12-2015, 05:19 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, my name is Jordyn. I recently quit my job in august because i was being threatened by the management staff. It was a good paying job, i always made ends meet and was able to live somewhat comfortably. After i quit, i was unable to find a job for almost 2 months after that. When i finally did find a job it was only part time and the pay was nothing near to what i needed to live off of. So that forced me to find a second job. This one is also part time but the pay still isn't good enough to combine with the other to make ends meet and pay my bills. That being said, i've had to take out countless loans, and borrow money from friends and family just to keep my head above water and get things taken care of so i don't fall behind on bills. Every check i receive from both jobs is spent to pay all the money back i've borrowed over the last couple of months and even the few hundred i've had to borrow recently. Christmas is next week. i have 150$ to my name to buy christmas for my family. all i'm really asking for is 200$. I don't need much, just enough to buy substantial gifts so my family will have something to open on christmas morning. I really need the help, so anything is welcome. here is the link to my paypal. Thank you so much in advance.


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  Shark loan.
Posted by: infinitum - 12-12-2015, 04:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am 22 years old and i am from a poor country called Bosnia and Herzegovina i was born during the war, struggling with money and with finishing my school and having to pay school bills and living expenses, i have made a bad choice borrowing 4000$ from some bad people...i am finishing college soon and hope to get a job with the degree, but they wont wait on me. My parents dont know anything about it and this was my last chance because banks dont help unemployed people here, and we do not have any social help from the country or anything here. I wont go into details from obvious reasons, but the law is not helpfull here and i have no other ways than doing it like this. If anyone can help please leave an email with your donation, and when i get a job i will pay you back or i will make equal donations of the money donated to charity.I would never do this if this wasnt my last option. I am very gratefull for everyone that can help i believe in karma and i will give it back to you or someone else one way or another.

If anyone has a good paying job that can be done through the internet, or anyone considering investing in Bosnia since the work force is cheap but with quality can contact me also...i am not a bad guy but i had to do this to have any chances of making something in life.

If anyone wants to help please reply, or contact me on through PM. I did not want to leave my paypal email address because of scammers.

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