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Sad I beg U please help us escape this city.
Posted by: thegoodsharer - 02-27-2016, 06:53 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm in allot of emotional pain and I have been for especially 1.5 years ago after me and my son relocated to this city Louisville, KY.  Neither of us can bare to live here any longer.  Got tossed of the bus tonight just for getting a little sniffy with the bus driver over the transfer.  Her friend riding the bus muttered vile words at me after we sat down.  Another bus driver was even more mean and dictatorial to us only a few days ago.  Living here is causing us much suffering.  In addition our location is a very unhappy one.  We live very nearby drug dealers and we hear gun shots right outside our apartment.  We can't mentally deal with this place any longer.  Could some kind person(s) out there please help me and my son leave this terrible place.    Angry Sad Cry If you can help us please help via our paypal at link https://www.paypal.me/2us
The page will say Justin Bryson and has a pic of 2 kittens on it and you put in the amount and click next to donate to us.  Thank you friends!    

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  starting new business
Posted by: wonkar1975 - 02-25-2016, 08:52 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hii, I am Wonkar, I want to start a new business, sector Real Estate, but I have no money, so I requesting pleaze help me and donate Indian money, I want to build apartment for Indian poor & middle-class people, I will try to help they are finally and parmanenetly stay their own house, so I need money ($ to Indian rupees), I need Rs. 5,00,00,000.00(five corore Indian rupees), / $ 7,70,000(seven lac seventy thousand us $)

I have not pay any interest, but if anybody help me, then I can repay principle amount, and if he agree to take profit then I will agree,

Receive only white money

If interested then contract through mail...
My mail I'd is wkc1975@gmail.com

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  scared and don't know what to do
Posted by: Katief107 - 02-22-2016, 03:57 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I don't really know where to start so i am going to start at the beginning. I was diagnosed with crohns i 2004. I have had many flare ups over the years and been on lots of medication  but in 2014 I got very sick from crohns which left me unable to work and in and out of hospital. While I was so sick we have ended up in a lot of debt trying to make ends meet hoping I would get better to go back to work full time. 

I was put on the last medication they could try and I have know been told it has failed and I need an operation to take the infected bowel away and be left with a bag possibly for life. It means 6 months or more off work I am already being chased for money and I am not coping my husband works all hours to try and help but we can't even afford the day to day bills. I have 3 kids I have let everyone down and I am ashamed of myself for not being able to provide for my children. 
I don't know if there is anyone that could help me because the longer I leave surgery the more risk I have of something goes wrong. Please if you could help me I would be mr than grateful I would owe you everything. 

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  I come to you in dire straits
Posted by: Krysti_b - 02-21-2016, 10:15 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I come to you humbly at dire straights

Hello All,
As the title says, I come before you with nowhere to turn.  My pride is bruising while I type this and I deserve no pity, but I'm utterly and entirely without any other option besides this feeble petition. 
I have been unemployed for two months now.  I have gotten by just barely, but now I am utterly destitute.  I did not have means to pay rent for the month of January, and now it is halfway through February and I still don't have a dime to give.  I have been formally evicted and I went to the hearing last Wednesday.  Although I pleaded my case the best and most earnest way I could to the judge, he ruled in favor of the apartments.  I filed an appeal with an Affidavit of Inability to Pay, but because my eviction was because of Non-payment, I am required to deposit one month of rent to the Justice of Peace office by tomorrow or my case is automatically dismissed and I will be forcibly removed.
I do not have any family here and I have not spoken to them in 15 years, nor do I have many friends.  Very few in fact.  The ones that I do have are barely making ends meet themselves and cannot help. In December I foolishly took out three payday loans to cover that month's rent, because I was already in financial distress at that point, and I had no one to turn to in my time of need.  This has destroyed what little credit I'd managed to achieve in my meager life.  I have tried to obtain a Surety Bond for my appeal to satisfy my court ordered obligation, but said poor credit and lack of any assets as collateral, I have been denied over and over again.  I've pawned everything of value that I possessed to feed myself and my pets, and that well has run dry as well.
have also been struggling with almost debilitating depression and anxiety for two years now.  I have not been able to visit my psychiatrist or fill my medications, and my mental state has deteriorated and continues to deteriorate by the hour it seems.
When I am removed from my home, I will have nowhere to store my belongings.  I do not have a cent to my name to rent a storage facility.  I do not have anyone who can look after my pets, the only two living beings I feel that still have love and compassion for me and who have been the only things that keeps me from giving up entirely.  I do not have anywhere to place my head at night, besides the outdoors.  Even homeless shelters charge you $10 a day to stay, and I pathetically do not even have that to spare.  I don't know what to do or how I will survive on the street.  I have no transportation to live in temporarily either.
I have applied for any and all government funding and charity that is available to the indigent, but they prioritize families and those already homeless above little old me, and I received nothing.  Even Section 8 housing has a waiting list that has been full and closed since 2011.  I'm utterly helpless.  It is why I humbly come to you all, despite the horrifying embarrassment that I am experiencing right now typing these shameful things to you.  I need help in this, the lowest point in my 32 years on this planet.
I am respectfully and modestly appealing to you all for anything you may be willing to donate.  I am fully aware of the risk you will take in doing so, and it will not hurt my feelings if you decline.  Below I will itemize the things I shall use said funds:
List of Financial Urgency**
Rent for the months of February and March - $2300.00
Water/Electricity/Trash Service for both months - $340.00
Cell Phone Bill (this month plus past due) - $475.00
Internet Service (two months) - $200.00
Groceries and Pet supplies (two months) - $200.00
Transportation (discounted Dart pass 1 month) - $40.00
New Hard Drive for my Laptop (for job searching) - $80.00
Bank Account Overdrawn amount - $450.00
Bankruptcy Lawyer and Filing Fees - $600.00 [estimated]
Total Amount - $4,685.00
**You will be provided any receipts, invoices, or bills to validate these amounts
I realized this is a great deal of money to ask of anyone, and I apologize.  I simply have nowhere else to turn, besides the mean streets or under a bridge.
(Filing for bankruptcy is my only option to stay my impending eviction and give me more time to find another residence, with hope that I can deposit what is required of me tomorrow.)  
I have been applying to and interviewing for many jobs.  I have had several second and even third interviews, but when the final decision is to be offered to me I do believe that my credit history is discouraging employers. I have a second interview on Monday, which I am desperate to get to, and to receive an offer, but my spirits are low and my outlook is dismal.  I also must take the bus to the office, which I have no funds for right now.  I have been riding the train illegally, without being caught, but I fear that my luck has worn very thin now.
My cell phone is also shut off, which has already cost me many inquiries for companies at which I have applied.  I do still have my internet service, but it is not long off that that too will be disconnected barring me from finding anything at all...  Right now I only have my cell phone and WiFi with which to edit my resume, respond to potential employers, take skill level testing, etc and it is painstaking to say the least.  Hence the need for a new hard drive to install in my laptop.  The current HD crashed, much to my dismay and tear-shed.
With that I will end this sob-fest.  This pathetic plea for compassion.  I leave you with only my word and my womanly honor to do everything it takes to return to you anything you might generously find in your heart to donate.  I hope everything in your lives are well and wonderful.  Thank you for listening to me, and I hope to hear from you...any of you...please?

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Rainbow A Promise to My Children
Posted by: Sharon12832 - 02-18-2016, 09:50 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, my name is Sharon and I am looking for help to pay off my student loans. This is my story…..
I am currently almost 40 years old and I have a little over $33,000 owed in student loans. Why does one my age have such a debt? If you are willing to read on I will tell you.
For much of my life I suffered from severe anxiety. There was a time it was so bad I couldn’t leave my house. I even had a counselor try to get me to apply for disability. I couldn’t do it. I was a mom and I refused to think that this was going to be my entire life. I was determined to fight with all my might to show my children that you can do anything that you put your mind to. It was a long road and it took a lot of years to get to where I am now. I couldn’t work, the mere thought of applying for a job would put me in panic. For years I just stayed home and took care of my babies. I was depressed and I slept a lot. I was missing out on life. My kids were getting older and noticing my sleeping habits. “Why does mommy sleep so much?” Ouch, those words cut like a knife. I remember that about my mom. I wanted my kids to see me differently. That’s when I decided it was time to get a job. Who would hire me? I had literally been home for 15 years raising my 5 children. I talked to my sister who suffers the same panic I do and together we decided if we went to school together maybe we wouldn’t have such anxiety. We even took the same classes just to be together. After one semester she quit and I decided to press on. Going to school for 5 years, yes it took that long, helped me get used to having to be somewhere and press through my anxiety. My school was paid for through grants. The student loans were to help get us through the winters when my husband didn’t have work and to pay off some high interest credit card debt accumulated from having only one income and a large family to care for. 
Going to school turned my life around. I still have anxiety but I have learned some coping methods that help me get through it. In my last semester of school I had to do an internship. After the anxiety passed I really enjoyed it and really believed I could get a job. I just needed to get through that initial anxiety ridden first few days. But to my surprise I didn’t have to start over. The company where I did my internship wanted to hire me. The perfect storm. I was past the anxiety part and comfortable there. Things couldn’t have worked out better. I will celebrate my two year anniversary there in March. My kids are proud of me, my husband is proud of me and I am finally proud of me. 
I finally feel like I am contributing to my family. Now I want to fill a promise that I made to my children. I promised them that someday we would have a house. Don’t get me wrong we are not homeless. We own a trailer. Well almost, we owe $6000 on our 15 year loan. I know we are blessed and we have far more than a lot of people but that doesn’t make me want a house any less. Two of my children are grown and gone but I have a chance to keep that promise to the three still at home. 
We will be getting a house. We even got a preapproval. Now that reality has set in I wonder if we will be able to afford it. This is why I am asking for help. I pay $450.00 per month on these student loans in order to have them paid off in ten years. I have never been late and will continue to pay them. But they are killing us. I paid $3445.13 in interest on them in 2015. That’s crazy. I would feel more comfortable purchasing a home if these student loans did not exist. Especially the ones that are carrying the highest interest rates. 
Loan groups B, D, and F are at 6.8% and loan group A, is at 5.6%. I think these interest rates are outrages for loans that are suppose to be there to help you better your future. Interest rates on homes aren’t even that high. Crazy!
Well now that you’ve heard my story, and I thank you for taking the time to read it, it is up to you if you would like to help. If you are interested in helping you can send money via PayPal to sharon12832@gmail.com or phone in any amount to Nelnet. My account number is E822014912 and their phone number is 1-888-486-4722. You can call this number and make any amount of payment you would like. Every dollar counts and is one less dollar that I am paying interest on. If you prefer to donate through PayPal that is okay to. I give you my word that every penny of that donation will go to Nelnet.
If you choose to help I thank you very much and if you can’t help or would rather not help that is okay too. 
Thank you for reading my story, I know it was a little long winded.

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  please help me
Posted by: kanan mohan - 02-18-2016, 02:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi my name is mohan i am from India i need your's help please help me $50

This is my Bank details
Account name :kanan mohan
Account number :6048380595

This is my Email ;-kananmohan0@gmail.com
Please help me

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  Move on...
Posted by: betoforeigner4 - 02-18-2016, 12:21 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I need money to move on!

I found myself on the streets of Miami with no home, no shelter and all I could found
was a park where I could sleep, the public library to spend my day and start learning
to ask money for food.

My Father came to me and picked me up... Well, I was a kid then and scars have not
yet healed. My soul stills there because that's the only fair thing I learned to do for
myself. I help my father on everything and I help me but I can never get a start of
my own life independently. I have left there so many pending things I will like to reach. Reach my Goals and dreams... I can't  just start a new life as if nothing happened!  This is why I call it move on! money to move on! 

My soul is trapped there and I want to leave and I find this site to be like it; so before it turns out the way it could've turn out I'm begging "somebody" to please
see this: I am still there asking for money to people to eat, move on and every time I extend my hand for money I see 50cents, 1 dollar and I think it's great.

Now I can see is only a gratitude but I want to move on so please be kind enough
to help my soul heal and see it's light for I'm a good person with good intentions
and only want to start a living.

Thanks. Heart


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  jobless for 3 month and desperately need help
Posted by: oedmund - 02-17-2016, 10:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

hi all,

 i need some financial help, as i been depleting my saving over the 3 month of job hunt.
i have taken up some odd jobs but it doesn't get better until a permanent position is available.
i have a mortgage loan and also daily expense to pay for and me and my family and currently desperately need help from all available donors.

my paypal is ongsy15@gmail.com 
 thank you for your kind donation.

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  need money
Posted by: betoforeigner4 - 02-17-2016, 03:11 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I've been on the streets of Miami begging for money literally... Now I have the chance to be on a shelter, have some warm and have a chance to erase all the scars and move on. I do not understand anything about jobs, education or deserve more money! All I did was survive and
try to understand why am I still alive. I could've been taken into another direction but here I am learning back again to get back on my foot. I'm ill (not emotionally but deeper in my soul)
I am getting off it but I still need your help to get off the street of Miami. I know I am a kid on
the streets with lots of defects and talent but it's time to move on, see my light. 

Here, in my other life emotionally am strong, but I can't just live another life: I must comprehend what I did wrong... All I know is that I started begging for money and people started giving me cents, sometimes 5dollars and I learned to thank but not move on...

My soul, still there! and what I'm trying to do here is to emulate that and get money as much as to move on:

here my beg: 


Please copy that to your browser and donate me some money so I save money or use it as to be in peace with you brother and move on  Angel

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Rainbow Putting My Life Back Together and Helping Others as I Do...
Posted by: BrokenSoulsRescue - 02-16-2016, 11:52 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

After a horrific marriage that ended with me having a broken arm, i had to leave my job, house, friends and belongings behind. I had to use my savings to survive and flee. 
I am restarting my life in a new city trying to build a community organisation to help other lost souls who have fallen through the net,  but no where will back my idea because of my lack of financial assets. I am battling my own mental health issues but trying to stay motivated because of i know this good cause could really go somewhere. An over view is a fostering and re-homing service for the UK nationwide as 18 healthy dogs are put down a day due to lack of space! We also run an ex prisoner employment scheme as they make up 1/5 of benefit claimants with their main obstacle being lack of any current referees. We also work with women of domestic violence and these animals take priority in our shelter and foster homes. When i had to flee i almost had to give my cats up instead of have them fostered due to lack of services! They were the only thing that kept me going at times. These are serious problems affecting the UK. Please look it up and donate. 
Please donate. 
Thank You.

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