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Heart Help me ! Please.
Posted by: Mayo19 - 04-19-2018, 08:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, everyone. I am here because i have no other option than zo beg for money, i am in debt 1200$ and my bank already took everything that i had, now they just raising the debt every month until i pay it. If you care and have extra money, please send it to this, any amount will be helpful. Thank you : paypal.me/MarijanMarkovic

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  Sick grandmother
Posted by: Peach0509 - 04-19-2018, 02:27 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Oh I’m trying to help my dying grandmother (bone cancer) fix her van so she can get back and forth to her cancer treatments. I’m also out some work days having to care for her, give her rides, and also having my own medical issues so I’m behind on rent and utilities about to lose my home. If you can help in anyway capacity that would amazing thank you Heart paypal.me/ashkee

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  Need help getting car
Posted by: Stewartjess - 04-19-2018, 11:30 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

In desperste need of assistance recently my car was impounded i got pulled over my 8 yr old wasnt in his seat belt to find out i had no insurance my husband had cancelled it on his way out the door i have three Boys 15,11,&9 i have been trying desperatly for the past month and a half to get it out of impound i am currently not imployed i have had some serious medical problems and am not able to work a full time job before losing my car i had a babysitting job and two jobs cleaning house i am not able to do those without my car plz plz plz find it in your heart to help me and my boys

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  Need help with a laptop
Posted by: LaurenMarie89 - 04-17-2018, 10:30 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey everyone,

I’m a special needs teacher who is coming up on her final year of teaching to return to school full time in persuit of becoming a physician assistant. I’ve been setting aside a fair amount of my paychecks to cove the costs of grad school applications as well as cover rent after the school year ends. I have been taking classes the last 3 years while working full time to complete prerequisites needed to even apply for PA programs. I’m finally at a place where I’m able to apply as a qualified applicant! I still have a few classes I’ll have to take over the summer,  but that won’t hold me back from applying for schools. Now, here’s the reason I’m writing this post. At the end of the school year, first week of June, I have to return my work laptop to the district. Giving the laptop back is going to render me without one, which makes me nervous because one of the classes I’m taking over the summer will be online. The money I’ve been able to put into savings will not be enough to cover a computer as it must be used for what is essential to my future-paying for grad applications and paying rent. I can’t afford a laptop and could use the help to get one. Please help me continue on with my future goals!


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  If you have 2 minute to spare then please read this.
Posted by: Subham - 04-17-2018, 06:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello my name is Subham,i from Nepal and i'm 20 years old.

My story in short (not a native english speaker so please bear with me)

So my father left me when i was in grade 5 and i'm living with my mom since then... things were and still are really hard like in critical condition after my dad left us... and my mom is weak so it was hard for her to work.... we are barely living.We live in 1 room(with attached bathroom) with all the furniture we had .... it barely has any space to walk... but we happy with what we have.My mom has me and i have my mom.

You cannot get a decent job here if you aren't graduated .... i'm not the kinda guy who likes studying but somehow i passed high school.... there is still some due money left... but they were nice enough to give me the certificate for college.... im studying Bachelors Of Information Technology right now .... the college is that great but better than nothing!! They are letting me to go there for the first 6 months for free.... because of my story.
My country is not the best country out there.... average income per year here is like 2000-3000$ because of the corrupt politicians!!

So Please please please!!! even if you have 1 dollar to spare then donate on my paypal!!!(Have a brother studying in US .... so i will contact him for the money i got from here)I don't know how much you can !! but even if its in 1 cent or 50 cents then its ok....  because like they say  "Little drops of water,Make the mighty ocean" 

Paypal : https://www.paypal.me/Subham761

And if anyone like to keep on reading my whole story then here it is... will try to keep it short as possible... so here we go...

So basically there were 3 members in my family Me, my mom and my dad. My dad was kinda abusive so he used physically abuse my mother from time to time but my mother was and still is polite(no one knew about that but us). She endured all of it and still loved him.We are from a middle class family .... had everything we wanted.

And after 2 years i think!!She gave birth to me.... i was healthy and raised very well had nothing to worry about... but my dad was still abusive.... didn't abused me when i was a baby though!! 

Things went by pretty fast.We were really a happy family(good old memories).My dad was into politics he was really good at what he did . He was not corrupt like other politicians. I was really proud because he was my dad... always wanted to be on his side.He used to take us out into different restaurant once every week.He always gave me everything i wanted... but was still abusive sometimes.

But after some years later when i was in grade 4 , he started to act strange... he used to come home late.... he was ignoring us more than usual... i was still a kid so i always went to bed early so i didn't noticed it, but my mom thought he maybe had more work and because of stress he acted that way.
But things got much more worse, he used to come home after 1-2 days , he used to take the money that my mom saved for emergencies issues... but still my mom thought that it was some kind of work related issue.

Thing got worse day by day.... mom and dad used to fight more than usual. Then one day dad said to my mom that he will go to work related trip for a  long time... so he won't be coming home. We still used to talk over the phone but one day a friend/co-worker of my dad called my mom saying he hasn't been coming around to work for quite a long time lately.(i will make this short) 
So basically my dad was lying to us ... but he was actually in the same city that we lived in but with a girl(She is kind of a hoe who sleep with like 2-3 men every week.... don't know what my dad saw in her). My mom found about that... called my father , had a fight , my dad didn't came home for like 2-3 months. 
Eventually he came home but what could my mom do ?? she was in tears ... just happy that he came home. I was happy inside but angry outside , i was just a kid what could i have done??... but he actually was there just to take his clothes and some leftover money we had.But my mom gave him ... after that he took off again. This happened over and over for almost 1 and a half year, he used to come home after 2-5-7 months break respectively ... but after that he never came.... don't know what was going on in his mind he left us but wasn't divorce.

Our financial situation got worse day by day."In nepal we eat rice,lentils and some vegetables with pickle and meat sometimes." But we barely had any money to buy them... so my mom used to eat just 1 time a day without me knowing and used to give me instead of her so that i wouldn't be starving.Things were rough like very rough.(again keeping things short)

 My dad's mom used to love him very much .... she told  my mom not to do anything to him(My grandma loves me but she had/has her own problems to worry about but sometimes like once or twice a year used to send us money). My mom had 2 elder brothers.
 Elder brother has average job and younger one has really nice job but you know what.... they NEVER like NEVER supported us in their whole life... so our relation is not that great either.And my mom's side .... grandma and grandpa are old but still supported with what they could(their situation is getting worse day by day but my uncles(mom's brothers)don't give a shit about then.... this cruel world man.... fuck all of them!!! anyway...

Like i said my mother is weak. so she cannot work.I was/am not that interested in studies ... i can get really good at studies if i try but its just not really my thing. So i failed in 10th grade... gave "back exam"(you can take the exam again if you failed in 2 or less subject ..) So i passed that...  Went to high school(we call it +2/college here) Barely passed without touching any books. And here i am Studying "IT" in a shitty college.... but ayy you know what... something is better than nothing.

And my mom was diagnosed with tumor in her chest last year i can see with my bare eyes that its getting bigger in her left side of her chest. I don't really know but people say it can lead to cancer which can be a bad thing ...
I barely have any money left after i receive my pay... i get like 150$ a month, have to work my ass off just for that... barely have anything left inside me... sometimes i think about killing myself,doing illegal ways to make money but after thinking about for some time i feel wrong. Even if i did that then what about that person i did wrong things to.
But i have my mom ... she gave birth to me .... i have to live for her and make her happy. She says she has survived this long and she became what she is now because of me and she is proud to have a son like me !!!I don't show much but i doo love her....  AND I AM WHAT I AM RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF HER AND I WON'T LET HER DOWN .

Well... anyway if you came this far thank you for reading , there is ALOT like alott to talk about but needed to keep it short.

And yes i am posting this on other crowdfunding sites too... because i need money ... and i am saying this because i have nothing to hide... 

SO if you want to help me please do ...  if not then its ok too.... just don't let your loved ones down.... and always love your mom and dad because without them you wouldn't be what you are right now.....  thank you.

Paypal :https://www.paypal.me/Subham761

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  Desperately need money to pay rent to avoid eviction. Been scammed with nothing left
Posted by: gmcraealva - 04-17-2018, 09:16 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi. I posted twice on a similar site, only to be hounded by scammers. 1 stole 50 dollars from me. Several stopped contacting me when I told them I didn't have a bank account. One keeps wasting my time. I am being evicted and I need 3,000 dollars. I have a copy of my eviction notice if necessary. I would prefer 1 total amount but anything helps sent here.


I don't have any money but I'd like to send a small token of my appreciation to anyone who donates. Thank you.

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  Please help me I am totally lost
Posted by: everever89 - 04-16-2018, 05:57 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I am looking for every single help in the world so please don't ignore my message.
I would kindly ask for your support please as my friends are not able to help me enough. I am in need to raise my goal as soon as possible as having serious problem with my teeth and can't afford money and free time to get all done as rent,credit and bills waiting behind me. I am working and been working non-stop in last 10 years - I am 28 old and always survive alone but now I am not able to sort everything out due financial lack. I've always been nice and helping people in need but now is my turn to beg for help... so please... really appreciate your time, any support means so much.  Thank you! all!!!


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  Teenage son diagnosed with TBI after car accident- world turned upside down!
Posted by: Jcarter79 - 04-15-2018, 04:02 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a 38 year old single mother of a bright ☀️and talented 16 year old son. ?‍?I am well-educated and have always lived a successful life, despite many of life’s obstacles. Unfortunately, my son lost his father to a hidden drug addiction that took his life ? a few years ago when Devan was just 14 years old. Since that day, I have poured my heart and soul into picking up the pieces and raising my child to feel whole while I know he feels so incomplete and unfairly treated by life. January 4, 2018, Devan was in a vehicle with friends, where the driver was traveling 95mph and lost control And wrecked ? into an embankment, thank God ?? all boys survived, but the aftermath has turned our world ? upside down. My son was the front passenger And was the only  wearing his seatbelt,  however, he suffered a severe concussion, ultimately leading to a Traumatic Brain Injury diagnosis of post concussion syndrome that has left him with weakness on his right side and short term memory problems. He continues treatment with a concussion specialist, neurologist, speech pathologist, and physical therapist. He also suffers from pain associated with a neck and back injury caused by the accident, as well as an array of symptoms due to PTSD, nightmares, anxiety, anger explosive disorder, insomnia, depression, etc. He has been a star soccer ⚽️  athlete his entire life and has now been barred from play due to his injuries, he is unable to work, unable to continue with college placement tests and applications, he is no longer able to attend high school and has had to start online due to learning trouble in the classroom, doctor ordered... he just missed what would have been his first prom...the list of disappointing effects is never-ending. ? I am in desperate need of financial help and finally have to swallow my pride. After being engaged for 4 years, my fiancé, my son’s father-figure, my rock in hard times, he buckled and could not withstand the turmoil stricken upon our lives and the demands placed upon me, primarily as Devan’s mother, that sadly left little to no time or energy for me to put into our relationship.  This unfortunately forced me into the only option available of moving back home ? with my parents while I get back on my feet financially, emotionally, and spiritually. I have not been able to work full-time since January due to Devan’s emotional and medical needs, school help and medical appointments, and have had to use retirement and savings for living expenses. To slap icing on the cake, while away at a medical appointment 2 weeks ago, our 6 year old precious fur baby, ?Franklin, a loyal and loving Maltese that Devan got for his 10th birthday, escaped my parents’ home and was found struck by a train hours later. Our hearts were ripped from our chests! ? I fell to the ground after hearing of the news and begged ??God to carry me from there, as I gasped for air. Since then, my son has been emotionally unable to return to grandma and grandpa’s due to the painful reminder of his furry buddy being gone, so we have been staying here and there with friends and family. I can not afford first month’s rent and deposit on a new place right now, plus need to buy him a new laptop for online school, and don’t know how I will continue to cover all of our travel expenses that we continue to have for his TBI treatment. Please, I beggeth, absolutely anything helps, and I make a promise to you and myself to pay any generosity forward when I regain my stability and strength! Devan’s 17th birthday ?  is on May 5, and I would love to be able to provide him with the gift of a stable home ? that he never deserved to lose!  I am below rock bottom, and graciously and humbly ask for your help! Thank you in advance. Godspeed! ??


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  Veteran in need of financial assistance for his dream
Posted by: Rnedz88 - 04-15-2018, 02:14 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Here is a video of my journey[/font][/font]
[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]https://youtu.be/yck3SuWLLP8[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]How did I start this without sounding too needy and not make this story like a typical lifetime movie scene? Well I’m gonna start by introducing myself. My name is Raul García and Im a recent grad from Le Cordon Bleu. Food is my life. Food is the reason I wake up to every morning because I always surprise myself when I cook, it’s my therapy to say the least and I got the inspiration from my beautiful and amazing grandmother who lives in Mexico. I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to attend due to the fact that I’m a veteran from the U.S Army and we get the bestI survived two tours in Afghanistan which didn’t even think I’d be back alive from the second one. Won’t get into details But I’m 70% disabled and even though I suffer the most from PTSD, TBI and Severe Anxiety, I haven’t allowed that to crush my dreams. Its hard to wake up in the morning when you have insomnia all night but continuing to go to school graduate with a 4.0 and being accepted to attend a Michelin star restaurant in Spain for my externhio has made me feel like I can accomplish everything, even through panic attacks I do have the best family in the world who are proud of what I’ve done in life and my little siblings who look up to me as their idol but we just don’t have the means to continue my journey which is why you’re here to find out on. I want to continue to make my siblings be proud of me and have them see me have success because they’ll grow up wanting their own dream come true instead of thinking the impossible.[/font][/font]
[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]My dream is to be able to travel and explore the cuisine of Peru, India, Oaxaca (Mexico) and Thailand’s and one day open a Catering Company. Me wanting to travel to these countries will be to allow me explore local ingredients and experience the rustic side of how beautiful food is and how the gastronomic world is in certain parts of the world and take that to serve the best food I can give my customers in the future. Not necessarily to go and have fun even though researching what I love is fun for me . Those four countries I mentioned have the best cuisine in my opinion and the most interesting so I know that by traveling there and learning new recipes and ingredients will make my chef’s dream come true . A caterIng company that not just caters to Chinese, Mexican or Italian customers or solely just one but at a worldwide scale. I want a Worldwide cuisine catering company in San Diego because it’s a mix of cultures and we don’t care if you’re a certain race or how bad your accent is. Its a town free of descrimination and I live for that.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Im struggling financially. After going to Afghanistan twice and Spain and part of taking student loans even though I had 80% of gi bill well I’m in a hole [/font][/font]
[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]I hope my dreams come true and gives me the opportunity to learn more about the culinary world and not just rely on education benefits which I already used up completely. Want to prove myself that a disability or a mental issue can’t help you from becoming great but it can help you become stronger to stop negativity and giving yourself permission to free and open your mind to opportunities.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Thank you guys.[/font][/font]

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  Need help to pay off debts!
Posted by: Lclarke212 - 04-14-2018, 12:27 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi my names leah and I have around £500 of debt at the age of 18! I’ve recently lost my job and can’t afford to pay this. If I don’t pay it I could risk losing my home! Please donate! Any amount of money is greatly appreciated!
PayPal link - https://www.paypal.me/LeahC20
Thankyou for taking the time to read this.

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